A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thriving 365 - John 1:6-13

Thriving in Truth~

Start this time by asking the Spirit to open your eyes to truth. Confess all those things in your life that do not please Him and start your time fresh before empty vessel. The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit, so ask the Spirit to pierce you today with Truth.

Read John 1:6-13. Get your journal and jot down your thoughts on these verses and maybe answer a few of these questions if you get stuck.

What stands out to you right from the start?

What are your personal thoughts on these verses?

What part of these verses really impacts you right now?

What is one way you could apply the Truth of these verses to your own life today?

Thriving Together~

Don't you just love how John was not the Light, but he was called to be a witness to the Light...Jesus Christ? I love that, like John, we are called to be witnesses each day to the Light. We are to learn about the Light, walk every step in the Light, talk about the Light, and find our identity in the Light.

Many days, we don't realize that we even have the Light! We live in defeat, irritation, frustration, anger, sadness, depression, and walk with our faces turned towards darkness. We sincerely feel that this is all there is in this earthly life. We don't embrace the power and the life found in the LIGHT!

No, we are not the Light...but we are called to live in the Light as children of GOD! That is our calling! That is who we are in Christ! We are not children born of flesh and blood or of man's will...but we are born of God. That is the Truth we must thrive in today and allow it to transform our lives from darkness to LIGHT! Then...take that Light outside and be a witness to it.

Thriving Outside~

Truth changes us moment by moment! Living and thriving in Truth will overflow onto those around us!

How will being a child of God and living in the Light of His Son Jesus Christ change the way you think today?

How will it affect the way you act today?

Will you take your call to be a witness to the Light in your day today?

Is there someone in particular God has placed in your life you need to shine the Light of Jesus Christ and share His love with today?

Thrive today sweet friends...inside and OUT!

Thriving 365~