A Personal Welcome from Frances

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thriving 365~John 1:30-34

Thriving in Truth~

Take some time this morning to ask God to open His Word alive and afresh to you!

Read John 1:30-34. Take out your journal and write your thoughts on this passage. Let the Spirit speak to you and listen closely to what God has to say specifically to you.

What part of this passage makes you stop and think?

What do you feel God revealing to you through this passage?

In what ways could you relate to John in these verses?

Thriving Together~

I love that John confesses that he didn't know it was Jesus. He says that "I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel." John didn't have this whole ministry thing figured out. He was walking in obedience...and he was waiting for it to be revealed. He kept doing what God had told him to do in faith that one day he would see the ONE...the Son of God.

Oh, how I can relate to that in my marriage, parenting, and ministry. There are many days that I walk in the light revealed for that day and would LOVE to see the end of the road. I'd love to know that my kids were going to be passionate and dangerous women for the Kingdom of God like I pray every morning. I'd love to know how this whole ministry thing will walk out for the rest of my life. I'd love to have it all revealed at the very moment He calls me to do something!

But, where would faith be in that? And we know that faith alone pleases God. I know that it pleased God for John to preach and baptize every single day...all the while believing in faith that one day the ONE he preached about would come and be revealed. There may have been days of doubt. There may have been moments of wonder and impatience. But, John walked in what God revealed to him day after day. Waiting.

Oh, girls I know about some waiting! I'd love to have this whole adoption journey wrapped up in a pretty red bow all neat and tidy. But, how will I walk in the waiting? Perhaps you are struggling in your will you walk in the waiting day after day? Maybe you have a child that is rebellious and walking away from you and the will you walk in the waiting day after day? Perhaps God has birthed a passion in your heart for a ministry that is struggling right will you walk in the waiting day after day?

The truth is that we LOVE neat and tidy and happy endings. We pretty much like them right away too! But, our walk with God through this life will require faith day after day...THRIVING in the waiting! Oh, it is SO possible with God...impossible with man...but POSSIBLE with God!

Like John, let's thriving in the waiting...loving, parenting, hoping, walking, obeying, and overcoming in the waiting. One day whether on this earth or in heaven it will all be revealed in Christ Jesus!! Walk in faith my sister today!

Thriving Outside~

How will John's example challenge and change you today?

What truth has God revealed that you can take into your marriage? Parenting? Ministry? Job? Community?

Are there areas of your life that God is calling you to a stronger faith? Ask Him to increase your faith!!!

Thriving in the waiting my friends...for those times you will see and bear witness to the Son of God through faith. Love to you...

Thriving 365~

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thriving 365 ~ John 1:24-29 (more thoughts)

Here are a few more thoughts on this passage I wanted to share...we are taking it slow I tell ya! Savor it in sweet friends...

Start your day in prayer seeking for the Lord to speak powerfully to you through His Word and Holy Spirit!

Thriving in Truth~

Read John 1:24-29.

Take out your journal and write a few thoughts that you have about these verses.

Why do you think those things stand out to you?

What is God saying specifically to you right now?

What are your thoughts about what John's response to the Jewish leaders?

How do these verses challenge, convict, or encourage you today?

How could you apply that to your own life today?

Thriving Together~

We have seen how John let the Word define His identity. He knew who Jesus was and what the Scriptures said...and he let that define him. We also continue to see how John lets that define his ministry. He is not only sure of his role in the kingdom for himself, he is boldly sharing it with others.

They want to challenge him in baptizing. They remind him of who he is NOT...Elijah, Christ, or even a prophet! Doesn't that happen many times in our ministries? We follow God's call in faith and then Satan (and others around us) begin to question it. Just who do we think we are? We certainly aren't Jesus, Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, Billy Graham, or John Piper! How in the world do we even dare to step out and ministry!

But, John looks to Jesus. He admits that he is not worthy to even untie the straps of His sandals. He knows he is not the Christ! He doesn't try to be either. Oh, ladies so many times in our ministries we forget that we are not Christ...yet we are loved by Christ! We get so busy doing it all ourselves and forget to look at Jesus. We get so immersed in the doing of it all...and loose sight of the one among us that is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We shift our eyes onto proving to God and others that we really do have it all together and are worthy of our ministries (marriage, parenting, workplace, church, community, etc.) instead of resting in His strength and listening to who HE says we are in His Word.

John didn't feel threatened and have the need to defend his ministry to these Jewish leaders. He focused on the flesh...Jesus Christ. That changed everything! It changed how he saw himself, his ministry, and his life. He looked to HIM and could minister boldly in the light of that TRUTH.

Satan wants to remind you and I of what we are not, who we are not, and shift our eyes from Truth to a lie. He wants us to work in our own strength and to desperately please those around us. He wants us to try to "prove ourselves" to others in ministry. Because whenever we look to those around us to define our ministries and our worth...we will be miserable and discouraged..and ineffective for Kingdom ministry.

Let the Word define who you are and how your ministry will go. Fight the battle of identity with TRUTH! May we be able to look among us and see Jesus...knowing we are unworthy of anything at all...yet believing the promise He brings of Sonship, power, and love! In the Truth of God's Word may we boldly go and minister in His strength and TRUTH!

"Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."

Praise you Jesus!!!

Thriving Outside~

Are there areas of your ministry that you are striving in your own strength?

Have you had people question you and your ministry lately? How will you respond?

In what ways would TRUTH in God's Word change how you minister in any area God has called you (marriage, parenting, workplace, church, community, etc.)?

How can John's example of belief and boldness encourage and challenge you in your own ministry today?

How will you take what God has said to you today through His Word into your day in application?

Thriving 365~

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thriving 365~ John 1:24-29

Start this time seeking the power of the Holy Spirit in prayer. Ask Him to reveal Truth to you and to apply it specifically to your life today.

Thriving in Truth~

Read John 1:24-29.

Take your journal now and jot down a few thoughts that you already have about these passages. Allow God to speak directly to you right now.

What stands out to you right now in this passage?

Is there anything that seems to speak to where you are in your life?

What could be a way you could apply this?

Thriving Together~

John was questioned about his role in ministry by the religious leaders. They wanted to know why he was doing ministry...if he was not a prophet or Elijah or the Messiah. But, John was still not swayed! He not only let Scripture define who he was...but what his ministry was. Because he knew Christ and by that he knew what his own ministry should be.

Oh, that is such a good word for those of us in ministry!! John had a right view of Jesus...and that gave him a right view of his ministry. Our view of Christ will lead us to a right view of ministry and our role in kingdom work. I pray today that knowing Christ and the power of the Cross would define who we are and the ministry that we do. May it all flow out of the Truth of the Word.

Today think about how and why you minister. Is it because no one else will do it if you don't? Is it to make yourself more known? Is it to do your duty? Is it out of compulsion? the overflow of seeing and knowing and savoring Jesus Christ and the power of His sacrifice and Resurrection?

I pray that in my own life I never see ministry as something I do...but it is the overflow of knowing dearly who Jesus Christ is! He is the One, the Lamb of God who takes away my sins!!! That is where ministry begins and ends.

Thriving Outside~

Think about your own ministries right now. Why do you do them?

In what ways you might be letting your own ideas, opinions, experiences, and strengths define your ministries instead of God. Confess that to Him now. Allow Him to change your heart.

How could these ministries begin to be the overflow of your time with God?

What things need to change in your life today based on the Truth God revealed to you?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thriving 365 - John

Hello Friends! Well, I'm a bit late in the day on this post but I guess late might be better than never:) This is part of another post I did back in January on this same passage. Enjoy friends!

Thriving in Truth~

Start your time today with a few moments of quiet prayer. Just be real with the Lord. Open up your heart and pour out before Him all your cares, worries, and hurts. Cast them upon Him...because He really does care for you! Ask Him to guide you as your turn to His Word today.

Read John 1:19-23.

Take your journal and write a few notes about your thoughts. This will be so valuable to you one day. You will enjoy reading over what God has taught you and it helps me to stay focused too!

*What do you hear God saying to you through these passages?

*Is there a verse in particular that really stands out to you? Why do you think that is?

*Look specifically at John's response to the Jewish leaders (verse 23). Is this familiar to you? Why?

Thriving Together~

These verses bring a very important question to my mind...where do I find my identity?

How powerful that John knew and confessed who he was and who he was NOT! The thing that is so impacting to me is that he knew and confessed who he was from Scripture. John found his identity in God's WORD...not what his followers said about him, not what the pharisees said about him, or even what He thought about himself. He was grounded strongly in who GOD said that he was!! I need to hear that today...and every single day of my life!!! Our identity is found in God's Word and in the cross.

May I not see myself through my own eyes or the eyes of others (good or bad), but may I seek the Word to define who Jesus is and in that light to understand who I am. I pray that the Word will show my my own sin, faults, and to love Jesus and my Jesus more. I pray that the Word of truth will fill me to overflowing and may my cup overflow!

Today, pray over where you are finding your identity. Is it from your husband? Your parents? Your children? Your job? Your ministry? Your church? Your house? Your title? it from the very Words of God? Oh, how I pray that you and I will find our identity in Christ and the cross alone.

Thriving Outside~

*How could you apply the Truth from God's Word to your own life today?

*Do you find yourself struggling with finding your identity in the approval of others? How does that leave you feeling?

*How might those areas of your life look differently if you sought Scripture's Truth to define your identity?

*How might believing God's Truth about yourself change how you overflow into the lives of the lost around you?

Take time to talk through those areas with God. Allow His Truth to change you...for good. Perhaps you can write verses that remind you of Truth and carry them with you to memorize. Allow God to speak to you right now.

Thriving 365~

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great Day!!!!

Yesterday we had an amazing day at our church! We had our Beginning the Journey membership class and we have begun introducing the new members to the church at the end of the class. That morning they all filed into the sanctuary and I had tears in my eyes! There 18 new members joining our church!!!!! They just kept coming!

Two of these precious members are in my ladies Thrive! Class and I was overjoyed to see them up there! What a joy to see the Lord adding to our family. It was just awesome to see all these precious lives partnering with God's work at our church! Yeeehaaaw!

Thriving 365~

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fun in Ringgold!

Today I had the best time with the sweet ladies in Ringgold, GA! They dressed all their tables up so beautifully and we had some yummy food too! The fellowship was so sweet and I was so blessed to get to know them! Thanks to all the ladies who worked so hard to make this event so wonderful! The Spirit was there in such a sweet way! I especially loved the prayer time at the end. Wanda, thanks for all your hard work and prayers!! I had a blessed time. Here are a few tables...

I LOVED this table decoration...I need to order one! It goes perfectly with what I shared!!!

Headed to Ringgold!

Please pray for me as I am traveling to share with the ladies in Ringgold, GA! Thanks!


Please pray for me today as I am traveling and sharing in Ringgold, GA for a ladies conference!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thriving 365 - John 1:14-18

Thriving in Truth~

Start your time out with prayer. Seek the Holy Spirit's wisdom and allow Him to lead and direct your time. Slow down and enjoy time talking with your Heavenly Father. Don't rush through this time...savor it!

Read John 1:14-19. Get your journal or notebook and jot down a few thoughts you have.

What part of these verses stands out specifically to you?

What are you praising God for in these verses?

What are you learning about Jesus today that you can apply to your own life today?

Thriving Together~

These verses tell us that when we have seen and accepted Jesus Christ...we have seen the glory of God the Father full of grace and Truth!! How amazing is that? More and more I am truly awestruck by the beauty of the Trinity and how grateful that through Jesus' life, death, burial, resurrection and Ascension I am able to love and embrace all of the grace and Truth!!

And then comes my favorite part of these verses. This is the one that I just overflows my cup today! Look back at verse 14. What does it say? Write it down in your notebook.

"And from His FULLNESS, we ALL have received, grace upon grace." ESV

We receive everything out of HIS fullness. Grace upon grace. I can't even contain my joy in reading that promise in His Word this morning!!

Grace upon grace over my sin.

Grace upon grace over my strongholds.

Grace upon grace in my marriage.

Grace upon grace in my parenting.

Grace upon grace in homeschooling my children today.

Grace upon grace in my ministry.

Grace upon grace in loving a lost world.

And every single bit of that grace is overflowing out of HIS fullness. It's not out of our own will power. Our own spirituality. Our own good personality. NO! It is only out of HIS fullness that we receive grace upon grace for our day today... and not just a little grace! Grace upon grace my sweet friends!

Thriving Outside~

What is grace?

In what areas today do YOU need grace upon grace?

Spend time talking openly and honestly about your needs. Submit them before God and know that it is out of His fullness (He lacks NOTHING) you will receive the grace needed for today.

How will receiving that kind of amazing grace, out of the fullness of a loving God, change the way you live today?

How will it allow you to thrive outside today?

What is one specific way you feel God is leading you to extend grace to someone in your life today?

I pray that you will THRIVE instead of simply survive today out of HIS fullness!

Thriving 365~

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thriving 365 - John 1:6-13

Thriving in Truth~

Start this time by asking the Spirit to open your eyes to truth. Confess all those things in your life that do not please Him and start your time fresh before empty vessel. The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit, so ask the Spirit to pierce you today with Truth.

Read John 1:6-13. Get your journal and jot down your thoughts on these verses and maybe answer a few of these questions if you get stuck.

What stands out to you right from the start?

What are your personal thoughts on these verses?

What part of these verses really impacts you right now?

What is one way you could apply the Truth of these verses to your own life today?

Thriving Together~

Don't you just love how John was not the Light, but he was called to be a witness to the Light...Jesus Christ? I love that, like John, we are called to be witnesses each day to the Light. We are to learn about the Light, walk every step in the Light, talk about the Light, and find our identity in the Light.

Many days, we don't realize that we even have the Light! We live in defeat, irritation, frustration, anger, sadness, depression, and walk with our faces turned towards darkness. We sincerely feel that this is all there is in this earthly life. We don't embrace the power and the life found in the LIGHT!

No, we are not the Light...but we are called to live in the Light as children of GOD! That is our calling! That is who we are in Christ! We are not children born of flesh and blood or of man's will...but we are born of God. That is the Truth we must thrive in today and allow it to transform our lives from darkness to LIGHT! Then...take that Light outside and be a witness to it.

Thriving Outside~

Truth changes us moment by moment! Living and thriving in Truth will overflow onto those around us!

How will being a child of God and living in the Light of His Son Jesus Christ change the way you think today?

How will it affect the way you act today?

Will you take your call to be a witness to the Light in your day today?

Is there someone in particular God has placed in your life you need to shine the Light of Jesus Christ and share His love with today?

Thrive today sweet friends...inside and OUT!

Thriving 365~

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thriving 365~ John 1:1-5

Thriving in Truth~

Take a few moments and open your Bible to read over these verses.

Now...stop and pray over what you have just read. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and direct your thoughts on these verses. Talk with Him about these verses. Don't rush!

Take a moment to think or journal your thoughts on...

What stands out to you?

Is there anything in these verses that burns on your heart?

How would you apply that truth today to your life?

Thriving Together~

Don't you just LOVE the way the book of John starts out? I began John on January 1st of this year. It was so very exciting after Christmas to be reminded that Jesus didn't just show up on the scene when He was born in the stable and wrapped in swaddling cloths. No, He was with God in the beginning...and He is the Word...and He is God!

After focusing on the birth of Jesus as a baby, it was powerful to think about Jesus as God. THat all things that have EVER been made were made through Him. And In Jesus is LIFE! So many times we race after things that we think will give us life. We chase after acceptance, money, fame, jobs, houses, clothes, friends, husbands, children, and service to give us satisfaction.

These verses remind me that only in Jesus will we ever find life...and life to the FULL! Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself:) His life is our light. It lights our path. It sheds light on our sin and our strongholds...and you know what is even more exciting??? The darkness can NOT overcome His Light!!

I know that many of us are dealing with strongholds right now. We have cycles in our lives that we think we may never break free from on this side of glory. But, these verses tell us the Truth! They assure us that when we walk in the Light of Jesus Christ...NO darkness can overcome. It might be a battle. It might take some time. But, the darkness of sin will NEVER overcome the Light of Jesus in our lives.

Jesus tells us that we are MORE than overcomers! That means we have things to overcome. Trials will come. Satan will try to devour us. Our flesh will war against the Spirit. But...we are not just overcomers...we are MORE than overcomers in Christ! Because when His light shines in our lives in salvation through faith, no scheme of man or Satan can ever overcome.

Thriving Outside~

Take some time right now to think about how these verses wil affect your life today...

How could you take what you have learned today outside:

~Into your marriage?

~Into your parenting?

~Into your workplace and relationships?

~Into your friendships?

~Into your ministries?

~Into the lost world around you today?

Don't just let these verses make a difference inside...let it overflow so you can THRIVE outside!

May we live in the Light of Truth today friends...and THRIVE 365!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thriving 365

I'm a little nervous to even THINK that what I am going to share with you is possible! I know myself and my crazy life. I know that without God's sustaining power there is no way it's going to way at all!

I am going to try to begin a series called Thrive 365. This series will walk through the book of John daily (oh...that already scares me to death!)...or as often as I can. I have already been working through John for the past 3 1/2 months and have lots of notes to share. I pray that this will help me to stay current!

There will be three sections. The first section is called "Thriving in Truth" and "Thriving Together" and "Thriving Outside" I pray that you will spend time in the first section and not just skip to the Thriving Together time. Take time to spend time alone with your Father. Don't invite me or anyone else to be there with you!

Then, we will Thrive Together! I will share a few thoughts and I really pray that you will share some of yours if you have time. I'd love to hear how you are thriving 365!

OK, I'm already intimated by this! I have spent time praying and I feel like this is where He is leading. That's not to say that sickness won't come, retreats will take my attention, and there may be days when it's just not possible to post. I am going to do my best to stay current! Forgive me when I am not. Pray for me in this...because when it is finished this will be one of my next book projects.

So, you are kind of my guinea pigs:) Bless. Your. Hearts! I knew John was next...I can't wait!

Thive 365~

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wonderful weekend!

I just got back from an amazing weekend with some of the most mission-
minded women from across Georgia! I am so thankful that God allowed me
to share and to learn! It was awesome...but now I'm going to try to
get my voice back:)

Thanks for all your prayers, emails, and texts! You are a blessing...

Thrive 365~

Friday, April 16, 2010

Overflow: Prayer Ideas for Families

Today we conclude the prayer ideas for your children and families. I pray that this series has been helpful in making prayer less mysterious and more practical. Thanks to Shane Yancey again for sending along these ideas for prayer! He has lots of great ideas for youth on his website at!


Prayer Flash Cards:
The idea: create flash cards as visual reminders of who you are praying for as a family. Your small children can use those cards as a reference on who to pray for.

Before you start: Gather together pictures of family members, friends, and church leaders (especially your child's Sunday school teacher) and create a set of flash cards using the pictures. If you glue the pictures onto construction paper or large index cards you can have room to write requests beneath the picture.

How it works: Use your deck of cards to guide your time of prayer. There are several ways that you can do this. The basic way to pray would be to turn over each card and then pray as a family for the person who is on the card. You can also pass out the cards face down to each person in your family and then take turns turning a card over and praying for the person on the card.

Journaling Letters: (older kids)
The idea: Write down a prayer that you have for someone else in your family and then let them read it.

Before you start: Gather pens and half sheets of paper (because whole sheets can be intimidating) for each person in your family.

How it works: Sit everyone in your family in a circle. Then each person would write a prayer about the person sitting on their left. If you have never journaled a prayer before encourage your children to write down what they would say to God if they were praying for their person. Play some soft music while people are writing their prayers.

After everyone has finished pass your prayer to who it was about and then let everyone read the prayer written about them aloud.

Puzzle Prayers:
The idea: God has given us each a special gift to use in the church. This prayer uses a puzzle to pray for the people who are in our church.

Before you start: Find a wooden puzzle or other toy that requires the matching of shapes. (Like a toy with square, triangle, and star shaped holes)

How it works: Put the puzzle together with your child. As you do point out that God made everyone different and special. Tell your child that the church has many different people with different talents all coming together to glorify God. As you put in the pieces of the puzzle pray for our church and its leaders. Be sure to include your child's Sunday school teacher in your prayers.

After you have prayed undo the puzzle and start putting them back in again. This time encourage your child to pray a prayer similar to the one that you prayed.

Art Prayers:
The idea: Draw your praise instead of saying or singing it.

Before you start: Gather a bunch of age appropriate art supplies

How it works: For younger children ask them to draw some of the things that God has done or God has made. For middle to older children and for adults draw a picture that provides some sort of ending to the phrase "God is...". As a family let this art time be a fun time. After everyone has finished share your pictures with each other and voice a short prayer of thanks using the pictures as a guide.

Global Focused Prayers:
The idea: Help kids to remember to pray for people around the world by simulating what it means to be thirsty.

Before you start: Get a small bit of salt for each person to eat and a drink ready in the refrigerator.

How it works. Ask each person to eat some of the salt. After they do and ask for something to drink either tell them to go get something or if they are too young go with them and fix them a drink. After they come back point out that in many parts of the world children have to walk several miles every day to get water. That small thirst that you felt right then is nothing compared to the hunger and thirst that many children are going to bed feeling right now.

Spend some time praying. Thank God for what he has provided you and ask his protection on those people who went to bed hungry and thirsty tonight. Ask God to use you to help them.

If your child seems interested in ways that they can help out think about possibly sponsoring a child or getting involved in other aid organizations.

Lighted Prayers

The Idea: God has called you to join him on a journey or quest with Him. This is a hard road,
but he doesn't send you alone. He has called together a group of people to walk this
road with you—your Sunday school class. These are your traveling companions, the
ones who you lean on for strength and support when you are struggling.

Before you start: Figure out how many people are in your Sunday school class and get that same number of tea lights. You may want to collect candles for the people in your children's classes as well.

How it works: With a marker write the name of each member of
your class on a candle. For those of you with larger classes you may want to have
each candle represent a couple or have more than one name on a candle. As you pray for each person light their candle as a visual representation of your prayers.

If you have children be sure to do this activity in a dark room. Point out how the room gets brighter the more that you pray.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Missions Encounter 2010

Please pray for me this weekend as I travel to share with women from throughout Georgia at the 2010 Missions Encounter Event. I will be sharing a portion in each of the three main group (about 1-2,000 women) and then teaching one of the three conferences in the afternoons.

Here is the link if you would like to join us last minute:) We'd love to have you!

2010 Missions Encounter - "With A Servant's Heart"

Overflow: Prayer Ideas Continued...

Here are two more fun and creative ways that all of us can incorporate prayer into those lost moments of our day. Thanks to Shane Yancey from If you have a moment, take a quick look over at his site and see his ministry to youth ministers!

Let's ask God to redeem them for His glory!!!

In Car Prayer:
The Idea: Families spend lots of time in the car so why not redeem some of that time as a time to pray prayers of praise.

Before You Start: Before you crank the car inform your children that part of your trip will be a prayer of praise by saying the following silly rhyme.

We're in the car for another ride
and we need something to pass the time.
So from now till then until we get there
we will pray the see what God has made prayer.

How it works: Take turns saying things that you see that God has made. Once you say something you see the next person has to say a short prayer of thanks for that item and then gives the next item. This continues around the car (or back and forth between 2 people). For older kids add an element of memory to the game by listing everything that is said each time. For instance if Sally says, I see Trees then Mom would say Thank you God for the trees. I see a dog. Sally would then have to say, "thank you God for trees and that dog." and then would add something that she saw and it would continue from there.

If small children have a trouble differentiating between things that are man made and God made be sure to point out that everything is made by someone made by God so everything that you see can be used as a way to praise God.

Prayer Breaks:
The idea: Being out in public with your children can sometimes be stressful. Beat the stress and add prayer to your day by taking short (1 minute) prayer breaks while you are out and about.

Before you start:
The first few times you do this your children may look at you funny, but eventually they will catch on to the idea.

How it works: Once every hour stop everything you are doing and sit down to pray. Find you a bench or a place you can sit sort of out of the way. Sit down. Pull your children up into your lap or put your arms around them. Take a few deep breaths and then pray. Pray for the people that you see around you. Pray that God will use you to be a light to them. Encourage your children to pray for the people that they see as well. When you are finished squeeze them all real tight and go on about your business. You will feel better and your children will see a visual demonstration of the importance of prayer.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Overflow: Prayer Ideas for Kids

For the next couple of days I will be posting a few ideas about praying with your younger children. My friend Shane Yancey from who sent me these ideas and I wanted to share them with you! They are easy and fun...and will help you to teach and lead your children in prayer. It will be great!

Playground Prayers:
The Idea: Use your time playing on the playground (or your backyard swing set) as a time for prayer.

Before you start: Tell your children that as you play today you are going to come up with new ways to pray. This would be a good time to explain that prayer doesn't always mean that we have to bow our heads. It is important for children to learn that God is always with them and they can pray wherever they are.

How it Works:
Swings--As you get on the swings ask your child about what happens when they swing. Keep asking different questions until they say that the swings help them to get high up in the air. Point out that God lifts us up high sort of like a swing does. Say that as you swing you are going to come up with ways in your life that God has helped you or lifted you up. Give your child a push and tell him/her to say something that he/she is thankful for each time that you push him/her. After your child runs out of things that they are thankful for add a few of your own to the list.

When you finish swinging pause for a short moment, bow your head, and pray. Thank God for all of the things that you listed while swinging.

Slide--Say: Just like you slide down this slide some times in life there are things that drag us down. But even when things are going rough God is always with us waiting to catch us before we fall.

Stand at the end of the slide. As your child sits on the top ask him if he has anything that he would like for you to pray about. Let your child slide down then and catch him at the bottom. Hug him close and whisper in his ear. "God loves you and will always be there to catch you". Repeat the processes for as long as you want to play.

Your child will quickly run out of things to pray about, but you probably have a list a mile long. Each time your child slides pray for one of the needs on your list.

Monkey Bars- -Ask your child what would happen if one of the rungs were missing. She may still be able to get across, but it would be more difficult. Then ask what would happen if more than one were missing. Eventually she would not be able to cross. Point out that in our church there are many people doing many different jobs, and if any one of them left it would effect her. So as she crosses the bars encourage her to pray for her church and the leaders in it. Let one rung be the pastor, another her specific pastor, and another to be her Sunday school teacher. Then ask her to think of other people in the church who have an impact on her. (You may be surprised at the answers). As she crosses encourage her to pray for each person and you be praying for your leaders as well.

Overflow: Prayer Memory Verse

 For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:14-21

Last night God brought this verse to my path and I knew He wanted me to memorize it and pray it over my children and family and friends. This morning I spent time memorizing it and will be praying it over my girls tonight as we tuck them into bed.

I thought it might bless you today also! Love you all...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

John 8:47-51

*I know there is a skip in vereses...I posted the prayer series in between:) Thanks for bearing with my crazy blogging schedule!!*

Take a few moments to open up your Bible and read over these verses with me.

What stands out to you?

What are you hearing from God right now?

I'll tell you what I heard today! It is found in verse 51..."I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my Word, he will never see death."

Those trying to trick Jesus go on to think that he is talking about the physical death...but we know that He is speaking of a spiritual death. The kind of death that separates from God for eternity. If we truly keep His Word...then we will come to saving faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior by faith and spend eternity with Him in heaven! We will never truly see death!

But, what I applied to my own life today is that many times throughout my busy and easily distracted life I don't KEEP His Word. I will look to my own flesh, ideas, opinions, anger, frustration, irritations, rights, and ways. Those things are deadly. They lead further to self and flesh and far away from God. When I rush throughout my day and don't seek to keep His Word in my heart and allow it to change,mold, and direct my entire day...then I am choosing things of the flesh!

Today...I know that I will never see eternal death because of my glorious salvation found only in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection! But, like Paul, I must fight against the things of my flesh and my enemy who waits like a lion ready to devour me by keeping His Word!!! I want to pour my life into those things that are LIFE!

God's Word is LIVING and is LIFE!

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the LIFE...He is LIFE!

Today, I pray that you and I will be found choosing LIFE and not death. I pray that we will keep His Word not only once unto salvation, but that we would keep His Word daily so that we will never see deadly actions, attitudes, and thoughts in our daily lives.

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose LIFE, so that your and your children may LIVE!" Deuteronomy 30:19

May you and I choose to invest richly in LIFE today!

Monday, April 12, 2010

John 8: 21-24

Take time to read over these verses this morning.

As I was reading this passage, I could not help but thing of it in contrast to the verses where He talks to His disciples about His going:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." John 14: 1-4

As I took time to pray and think over how God would want me to apply these verses, I found myself asking Him to help me live a life of trust and belief. I not only want to have salvation...but I want to live a life of trust...have a heart that will not be troubled in this world. I life of faith that is assured of the place where Jesus is...and where I am going one day.

Having this kind of faith helps me to please God and to not live in sin. Hebrews 11 tells me that the only way to please God is through faith...and anything done without faith is sin!

I began to really think over those verses this morning. What do I do throughout my day without REAL faith? Um...far too much I'm afraid. Many moments throughout my day I just live life. I don't live in the full faith that has been given to me through Jesus Christ. I talk to friends, teach my children about math and science, do my daily chores, and many times all without a full awareness of the FAITH required to breathe!

Many times we focus on faith when the road of life gets blurry and difficult, but God's Word reminds us that ANYTHING done without FAITH is sin. That fell somberly on my today. I need to focus my every moment on living by faith. Fully aware of Jesus! I don't want to be among those who are trusting in self and whom Jesus says..."I am going away and you will seek me, and you will die in your sin." YIKES! I want to be one who seeks and finds Him because I am seeking Him with ALL my heart!!

Think on these verses today. Let the contrast of the two audiences and hearts challenge you. Don't be so quick to believe you have a full heart of faith. Seek God's counsel on areas of your own life that hide disbelief. Confess the dark areas of your heart of doubt. Allow Him to place faith in your life and trust Him alone with your life. Not just once in salvation...but moment by moment.

I am praying that today I will live every single breathe BY FAITH and BY GRACE! Love you all...

Thrive 365~

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Morning Prayerwalking View!

Talk about a worship service!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Blogging View!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Isaac from Uganda...

Boy, do I have a God-sized story to share! It's a bit on the wild side...but every bit His side! Here goes...

Yesterday morning before I began teaching school with the girls, I was doing a little of my minimal maintenance in the bathrooms cleaning them up a bit. I was just kind of doing my thing...not really thinking all that much about anything my bathroom:)

Then, the Spirit of God spoke to me. Now, normally I would do some kind of disclaimer here about how it wasn't audible, it normally doesn't happen like that, etc. But, I just finished reading the first chapter of Forgotten God by Francis I will just leave it at the Spirit of God really did speak to my heart...really!

He said something like, "Frances, what would it look like if I asked you to care, feed, shelter, clothe, educate, love, pray and doctor up a child that you never got to get anything is return? What if you never got to feel them in your arms, smell them clean after a bath, pray with them at night, hear them pray to God kneeling by the bed at night, see them dance with your family while washing dishes, see them graduate high school, meet their fiance, hold your grandchild, and nurse them when they are sick? What if I asked you to do everything that a family would do...without anything in return? What would that look like and would you do it? What if I touched you and called you to the spirit of adoption...without the results of adoption in your home?"

"Hmmm. Not really what I was looking for today, God! I mean, what does THAT mean?" was my response. I went on with my day keenly aware that I had encountered the Spirit's speaking to my heart literally burned in I can only imagine the hearts of the men on the road to Emmaus.

That afternoon, my friend Brooke called and we had a very amazing God FILLED conversation where we both shared struggles, convictions from God, and I felt led to share what the Spirit said to me that morning. I am so glad I did...because I don't know that anyone could truly experience the JOY of the rest of the story as she and I did!

When Jay got home from work we sat in the living room together and I told him all about what happened. Somehow I knew that it would involved Compassion International. He was calling us to sponsor more children...we knew this. I would not share this with you unless it was important to the testimony God has given. I never want my left hand to know what my right hand is doing...because the praise of God is FAR greater than any moment of praise from man! But, it is vital to the testimony so I will share.

After our time of sharing and conviction...I went to Compassion's site and here is what I read - This is cut and pasted directly from the Compassion site:

Looking for Children for Adoption?

If you are looking for children for adoption, consider sponsoring a child while you wait.
There are many children waiting for adoption, and all of them need a loving parent like you. Regrettably, the adoption process can sometimes take years and thousands of dollars. Not everybody has the time or financial resources that are necessary to adopt a child.

Consider this alternative to adoption.

Many children are not up for adoption, but they still desperately need your help. These children cannot be adopted, but you can still help them when you decide to sponsor a child with Compassion International. Compassion is not an agency that places children for adoption. Instead, we connect loving sponsors with children from developing countries who are in great need.

When you sponsor a child, you provide:
*Nutritional food
*Supplements and clean water as needed
*The opportunity to attend school or stay in school
*Health care (regular health checkups, immunizations, medicine and more)
*Opportunities to learn job skills
*Beneficial recreational activities
*The opportunity to learn about Jesus and experience God's love firsthand
*An intimate relationship with you through letters and pictures. You can even visit your child in his or her native country!

When you sponsor a child, you are linked with one particular child, who will know your name, write to you, and treasure the thought that you care.

If you're waiting for children for adoption, you clearly have a heart for children in need. Why not sponsor a child today? Your cost: only $38 a month, which is much less than the cost to adopt a child. Even better, you don't have to wait. You can sponsor a child through Compassion right now. Simply click one of the children's pictures to the
left to get started today.

Ahem. Um...OK.

So, below that there were 1622 children that were unsponsored. How in the world do you pick? Our other cutie pie from Uganda, Esceza, Anli chose at a Casting Crowns concert we went to over 5 years ago. That sweet little thing is one of our family! Her pictures hang on my fridge along with my kids'. Her photo is in my bathroom right next to ones of the girls. She is my little God baby...not born in my tummy...not mine to hold and care for...not one who is orphaned and needs a family...but one that God called us to love and care for like she was ours.

How in the WORLD would I even begin to know? So...I prayed. I sat. I listened. He answered my heart.

What did I speak to you 3 months ago concerning this adoption thing? Wait for an Isaac experience and don't try to force an Ishmael one.

What were you going to name the son you desired? Isaac.

What country is so very tender to your heart? Uganda.

Well then. Enough? Enough.

So, I sat trembling with my computer in my lap and began to look through 1622 profiles. Every SINGLE one. At number 700 I met Isaac...from Kenya. OK, God maybe Uganda was too specific! Kenya is in Africa...Uganda is in Africa. I heard wrong...I did my own thing...I assumed you meant Uganda. But, after SEVEN HUNDRED profiles...I think little Mr. Isaac who is seven years old and cute as they come from Kenya is our boy...right?

Well, I kept going to make SURE there was not another Isaac and as I went through a THOUSAND profiles there was not ONE other Isaac to be found! I'm getting more and more confident that little Mr. Isaac from Kenya is our fella and I just heard wrong or thought wrong on the whole Uganda thing. Maybe I just have Uganda too much on the brain!

I still kept going. After ONE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED, and TWENTY profiles my eyes were blurry and there was not ANY other Isaacs!!!


Then, I clicked the LAST page...where two other profiles were found and number 1622 out of 1622...

Isaac from Uganda.

I lost my breath. My heart stopped...literally. There was our Isaac from Uganda...and he is...


My eyes teared up. My heart was hammering like it is right now. I was in shock.

Isaac from Uganda.

The last profile.

Number 1622 out of 1622.

The last one.

The least.

The oldest.



I showed him to Jay and his eyes were as big as the moon itself. Nineteen? Nineteen.

We knew he was our fella. We told the girls the story...they were amazed! They couldn't believe there was an Isaac from Uganda...we couldn't either girlies!

I called Brooke and she had chills since she had heard me share about all of this before Isaac from Uganda! I'm glad I had someone else who knew the prompting of my heart beforehand. She said the most precious thing I won't forget...

"Isn't it just like God to wrap all of this in your heart in a NINETEEN year old when in your mind you thought of a little one?"

My mentor said:

"Remember the Blind Side? He was 17!"

We were amazed together! I called and shared with 2 other friends and they were in awe of God's confirmation and Hand.

We immediately sponsored Isaac from Uganda! We called this morning to get some more info on him and about the older kids in the program without sponsors. I told the Compassion rep on the phone the story and she was giddy with excitement! She told me the plight of the older kids without sponsors. How they see those around them that are little getting sponsors so easily while they continue to wait. They see those around them with letters, gifts, and photos while they wait...knowing that not many people get all the way to number 1622. Who looks at 1622 profiles and gets to the 16,17,18, and 19 year olds?

Thank you Jesus that we did! You spoke it and you made it come to pass. It was You alone who connected us with our Isaac from Uganda. Number 1622.

What a JOY this is! Are we adopting him? Does he have a family? Praise God YES! Does he have siblings? Praise God YES! Does he and his family now receive the food, clothing, shelter, education, training in Christ, and prayer that the Lord desires they have? Praise God YES! Does he have a prayin' and lovin' family in GA? Praise God YES!

I pray that if you have never sponsored a child...especially an older child...that you would seek the Spirit's leading. I pray that you will visit Compassion and allow the Lord to lead you to the child that He has in store for your family. You will not only be a will receive a blessing!

The spirit of adoption is not only in the actual act of adopting a child into your home physically. I am learning this through the past 14 months of being on the actual journey itself to bring a child home. The spirit of adoption is opening your heart to another and embracing them as your own family. Loving them with all you have and all you are. Serving them with open arms and open hearts. Praying for them like they are your own flesh. Loving them like they are your own flesh. Serving them like they are your own flesh. Laying down your life like they are your own flesh.

It's what our Heavenly Father did for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus His Son. He brought us into His family. He adopted us....spiritually!

Many of us have not adopted or can't adopt physically. Don't let that stop you from joining God's heart of adopting spiritually! I'll warn won't get to snuggle with them at night. You won't get to feel their hugs in the morning when they wake up with a smooshy face. You won't get to hear them pray, be at their weddings, hold them as they cry when someone makes fun of them, see the joy of them have their first won't get those. But, I'm learning...that's not what adoption is about.

It's not about what I get.

It's just not about me.

It's about joining the heart of God.

It's about loving without anything in return.

It's about Him...and about salvation...and about His glory.

Join His heart for the world. The orphans, the widows, the immigrants, the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, the battered, the rebellious, the angry, the trafficked, the slave...the lost. He loves them ALL.

What a story from the Author and Perfecter of our faith! It's a wild ride and aren't you just LOVIN' it?

Overflow: Praying for the Nations

This is one of our family's favorite ways to pray together! For the past two years at least...if not more...we have been using the Prayer Points from the International Mission Board. You sign up to get this prayer calendar, and then they send it right to your mailbox at least a week before the new month begins. It has a short prayer request for the day that is only about 4 sentences long...perfect for short morning attention spans:)

They focus each month on a specific people group or area and then add in all kinds of other prayer requests too. We LOVE it!!! We also keep a beautiful decorative globe on our sunroom table where we have our breakfast and family devotion time, so that we the girls can immediately find where the country we are praying over is located. It's wonderful for ALL of our geography:)

Think about adding this 5-10 minute prayer calendar into your own personal prayer time or your family devotion at breakfast, dinner, or before bed! It is so easy and specific and we have learned so much about God's people and His world over the past few years one day at a time!

If you are interested in Prayer Points you can sign up here - AND it's FREE!!!!!!!


Thive 365 ~


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Overflow: Do it right NOW!

How many times have you been on the phone with a friend who is pouring out her heart breaking issue and as you get off the phone you tell her "I'll be praying for you"? How often are you meeting a friend for a quick coffee and she is sharing some struggles she is having in her marriage. You listen and nod...but get up to leave with the promise to "be praying" for her?

Recently in a book called "A Mother After God's Own Heart" Elizabeth George knocked my socks off! She said that when she is on the phone with her kids (they are grown with families) and they share a need in their lives...she NEVER lets them off the phone without praying over that issue. She does that with all her friends too! Whew...con.vic.tion!

God totally pricked my heart on this issue!'s SO obvious...but I still forget! I am still working on this one in my life for sure. I find myself listening and journeying with women ALL the time. I get so involved that many times I simply get off the phone or leave the conversation and never pray for them RIGHT then!

The times that I have has been SWEET and PRECIOUS and POWERFUL! I have asked God to remind me, remind me, remind me to do this. I still struggle remembering (a huge surprise, right?) but it's coming slowly.

I will also tell you that it changes your conversation! It is a totally different feel when you stop and ask that person if you can pray over that situation right now. It lets them and you be mindful that we are not to be about talk but about POWER! Prayer is powerful...because our GOD is powerful!!

Recently God reminded me on a phone conversation with one of my sweetest friends and our time of prayer was totally amazing! We prayed for each other and I felt so encouraged after hearing her sweet prayer over me and my family. What a blessing I would have missed!

When you offer to pray right NOW, it lets that person know that God is the one who has the power...not you. It also stops lots of groaning and gossiping when you pray together over the situation. I tell is awesome!

I pray that I will be more mindful to not simply tell someone that I will be "praying for you", but to pray WITH them right then (and also pray for them at other times!). You can do this on email also. Instead of emailing someone that you are praying for them...write those prayers out. Let them know what you are praying! Encourage them with your prayers.

If God brings someone to my heart to pray over...I try to either email or text them right that moment. I may not have time to call and chat, but I can shoot a quick note to let them know I am praying at that moment exactly for them specifically. It is so encouraging when I get those same notes and know that God is moving the hearts of those around me to pray for my family and struggles and battles!

Don't you just LOVE how smart and creative and kind our God is? Don't you love how we can engage with Him and talk to Him through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ? It's awesome!

Let's ask God together to remind us to not just say we will pray...but do it right NOW!

Thrive 365~

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Overflow: Learn from Others

In seeking to honor God in a prayerful heart, I have found much encouragement in learning from others in the faith. In areas where you struggle, run to God's Word and seek His instruction and creativity in those areas of your life. Then, find exhortation from the faith walk of others. So many times God has burdened my heart for something...and then led me to a sister or brother in Christ who could encourage and exhort me in that area. We are to sharpen each other! We are the body and we can work together to edify and instruct each other. Here are just a few I have been reading recently on prayer:

There are so many more that I could name, but these are the most recent that I have been reading. You can get some from the last one...The Valley of Vision Puritan Prayers online as I have been doing. But, the book is something I may purchase soon.
I also highly encourage you to ask God to send you a mentor in the faith. I believe it is God's desire that, as women, we find a godly woman to encourage and to teach us. I have had one such lady (though MANY women mentor me in so many ways!) for the past 7 years and she has been such a powerful woman of faith in my life! I thank God for her!!!
I pray you are THRIVING in prayer!
Thrive 365~

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Overflow: Meaning what you say!

Today I wanted to share some convictions that God has placed on my heart about meaning it when I say "I'll pray for you." It seems like that has become the Christian's version of "Hi, how are you" or "See you later"! I have been way too guilty of promising that I will pray over someone's doctor visit, troubled marriage, school meeting, surgery, or suffering friends...and then forgetting soon after I walk away.

I have prayed for the person as I have walked away...many times so that I wouldn't be guilty of lying right to their face. I'm just being real here about my own crazy flesh right now. God really began to convict me of not meaning it when I said I would certainly be praying for someone. Have you had trouble remembering like me? It's not that we don't WANT to pray...heaven's no! We desire it with everything in us...but somehow life happens and a week has flown by and we quickly mumble some kind of prayer as we see them coming down the hall of church. We smile and say..."I prayed for you, Sister!" Um...somehow...I don't think that was cutting it:)

So, God showed me yet another way to mean what I say! I reminded me that I have a phone (it can be ANY phone. Seriously, I have had an iphone for like 3 months and before that I had a hideously old flip phone! It had a calendar with an alarm feature and it does perfectly!). So, as people emailed, called, and spoke with me about a prayer request I would take out my phone and program in the date of their meeting, dr. visit, divorce proceeding, or even schedule them every single morning for that week!

I would always set an alert for either during my gathering time with the Lord or at the moment that they were entering that meeting or dr. visit. I still do this even today! Every time someone asks me to pray...I set it on my phone to remind me so that I am there praying with them at just the time they need it. Certainly God brings them to mind at other times...but I don't have to miss an important moment when a sister is counting on me to join in prayer.

I have also set certain people on my calendar alert to pray every morning. I have promised them that I would join them in prayer each day over an issue. So, that alert goes off and I immediately pray! It has truly been a PRAYER saver!

You can ask some of my close friends...there are ALWAYS alarms going off on my phone. I have to remind myself of practically everything! But, I tell ya...I WORKS! And it should encourage you too if you are like me and have struggled with remembering to pray over people.

I felt so awful telling dear friends that I would be praying for them...and then I would just forget. It broke my heart and grieved me in my spirit. God has graciously helped me to use even my calendar to HIS glory...I love it!

One other perk of this always reminds me to follow up! I try to text right then to let them know I am praying right at that moment. I will email or call (if they don't text) and let them know I was praying specifically and to see how everything went. It helps me to be more sensitive to the lives of others and get my thought off SELF and onto those around me!

I know almost ALL of you have a phone with some kind of reminder thing on it. If mine can be sure your does! Check it out and when someone asks you to pray whip that baby out and set a reminder. I promise your friend will feel super special as you tell them it is so important for you to pray and not forget that you are setting that reminder RIGHT then. Also...I will make them feel better about themselves and their fleeting memory:)

Love you all to pieces and back together again!

Thrive 365~

Monday, April 5, 2010

Overflow: Praying for Others

I'm sure you are wondering WHAT in the world this photo is about:) I have been sharing about some ideas on prayer that the Lord has given me to help my crazy brain to focus and redeem moments of my day for HIS glory. This idea was lived out in front of me by my campus minister Clete Sipes, who has gone to be with our Lord. It has shaped me in a powerful way in my praying for those around me.

Clete would assign the people in his life (that the Lord had brought to his heart to pray for) a day and he would at least weekly lift that person and their needs up to the Lord by name. He prayed for me on Tuesdays...and it was so encouraging to know that someone was specifically praying for me that day. I was the TNT (Tuesday Nights Together) leader at the time for the Baptist Campus Ministries and led the weekly worship service on Tuesdays. He prayed over me to glorify God in all that I would do in leadership that night.

From college until now I have always used this schedule. It changes all the time. There are friends who are going through crisis in their lives and they get put on the list for a season. There are new friends that the Lord impresses on my heart to pray over...they get on the list. There are seasons when some people are doing great and the Lord releases them from the list and I pray for them as He lays them on my heart. It is always fluid...and Spirit led...but it helps me to be accountable to pray for those precious people God has allowed me to journey this life alongside.

God has really placed prayer as a focus in my life more and more. It is something He has guided me through and lovingly given me ways to incorporate it all through the "lost moments" of my day that I would otherwise waste.

OK...for those of you who know me...this strategy is not new but a little different now. Back to the photo! I used to place my memory verses in my shower on index cards inside a ziptop bag affixed with duct tape...thank you Lord for creating duct tape! But, now I have my daily prayer list there to help me to lift up those people while I wait on my conditioner...or shaving my legs.

Many of you may think I am crazy...someone has already told me they would never do this kind of thing...but God helps me to follow the command that in word or DEED do it all to His glory. Why can't I wash and condition my hair to HIS glory? Those are moments that I am alone and would normally waste in senseless thoughts.

You surely don't have to put your prayer list in your shower:) But, if you find that you are not praying over people in your life as you feel God leading you to...then maybe a daily schedule would help. Assign those that GOD leads you to pray over a day and then place that wherever you pray...or like me...have moments that need some redeeming!!!

This has allowed me to be truthful when I say I am praying for you. I really am! Now, please don't try to read the names:) I went a little further back so that it would be more private...but this list is certainly NOT all the people that I pray for! I also ask the Spirit to lead me to pray for those at all times. He brings them to mind! But, these are those I am yoked up with in prayer!

Hope this helps someone:) It has been powerful in my own life...thanks to Clete!

Thrive 365!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is RISEN!!!!

"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " Then they remembered his words.

When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the leven and to all the others. It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others with them who told this to the apostles. But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense. Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away, wondering to himself what had happened." Luke 24:1-12

How precious that women were the ones to first hear the news and share it with others!!! As I am up before sunrise this morning...I await the moment to tell my girls HE IS RISEN!!! Women were allowed to hear these precious words first and had the honor of telling the disciples. Ladies may we seek to lovingly share of our risen Lord not just today but every day!!!

Also, notice that it was when they "remembered His Words" that they believed and went to tell others!!! Praise Him!!! Ladies, we must be IN His Word and have them written on our hearts in order to remember them! Begin today with time reading and savoring His Word!! They remembered His Words...ah that is the satisfaction of our souls sweet friends. It comforts us in our sorrow, guides us when we are confused and perplexed. It fills us to the FULL...and then allows our cup to overflow.

There us so much more I could share about this never look for the living among the things of the dead! Jesus came to give us LIFE to the FULL...let's not look for life among acceptance from others, being supermom, money, cute clothes, fabulous houses...those will never lead us to LIFE! Look to The living Lord!!! Oh...this a amazing day to celebrate that we no longer look to the dead sacrifices for life and look to the LIVING Jesus Christ!

And as the girls rise this morning, they will find LIFE in the pots! Beautiful white flowers have replaced the buried seeds. LIFE has burst forth! Our cross is no longer there on our pantry, but replaced with the GOOD NEWS!!! We are celebrating BIG TIMe today in our home:) Tell everyone you see today that HE IS RISEN!