A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, April 12, 2010

John 8: 21-24

Take time to read over these verses this morning.

As I was reading this passage, I could not help but thing of it in contrast to the verses where He talks to His disciples about His going:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going." John 14: 1-4

As I took time to pray and think over how God would want me to apply these verses, I found myself asking Him to help me live a life of trust and belief. I not only want to have salvation...but I want to live a life of trust...have a heart that will not be troubled in this world. I life of faith that is assured of the place where Jesus is...and where I am going one day.

Having this kind of faith helps me to please God and to not live in sin. Hebrews 11 tells me that the only way to please God is through faith...and anything done without faith is sin!

I began to really think over those verses this morning. What do I do throughout my day without REAL faith? Um...far too much I'm afraid. Many moments throughout my day I just live life. I don't live in the full faith that has been given to me through Jesus Christ. I talk to friends, teach my children about math and science, do my daily chores, and many times all without a full awareness of the FAITH required to breathe!

Many times we focus on faith when the road of life gets blurry and difficult, but God's Word reminds us that ANYTHING done without FAITH is sin. That fell somberly on my today. I need to focus my every moment on living by faith. Fully aware of Jesus! I don't want to be among those who are trusting in self and whom Jesus says..."I am going away and you will seek me, and you will die in your sin." YIKES! I want to be one who seeks and finds Him because I am seeking Him with ALL my heart!!

Think on these verses today. Let the contrast of the two audiences and hearts challenge you. Don't be so quick to believe you have a full heart of faith. Seek God's counsel on areas of your own life that hide disbelief. Confess the dark areas of your heart of doubt. Allow Him to place faith in your life and trust Him alone with your life. Not just once in salvation...but moment by moment.

I am praying that today I will live every single breathe BY FAITH and BY GRACE! Love you all...

Thrive 365~