A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, April 5, 2010

Overflow: Praying for Others

I'm sure you are wondering WHAT in the world this photo is about:) I have been sharing about some ideas on prayer that the Lord has given me to help my crazy brain to focus and redeem moments of my day for HIS glory. This idea was lived out in front of me by my campus minister Clete Sipes, who has gone to be with our Lord. It has shaped me in a powerful way in my praying for those around me.

Clete would assign the people in his life (that the Lord had brought to his heart to pray for) a day and he would at least weekly lift that person and their needs up to the Lord by name. He prayed for me on Tuesdays...and it was so encouraging to know that someone was specifically praying for me that day. I was the TNT (Tuesday Nights Together) leader at the time for the Baptist Campus Ministries and led the weekly worship service on Tuesdays. He prayed over me to glorify God in all that I would do in leadership that night.

From college until now I have always used this schedule. It changes all the time. There are friends who are going through crisis in their lives and they get put on the list for a season. There are new friends that the Lord impresses on my heart to pray over...they get on the list. There are seasons when some people are doing great and the Lord releases them from the list and I pray for them as He lays them on my heart. It is always fluid...and Spirit led...but it helps me to be accountable to pray for those precious people God has allowed me to journey this life alongside.

God has really placed prayer as a focus in my life more and more. It is something He has guided me through and lovingly given me ways to incorporate it all through the "lost moments" of my day that I would otherwise waste.

OK...for those of you who know me...this strategy is not new but a little different now. Back to the photo! I used to place my memory verses in my shower on index cards inside a ziptop bag affixed with duct tape...thank you Lord for creating duct tape! But, now I have my daily prayer list there to help me to lift up those people while I wait on my conditioner...or shaving my legs.

Many of you may think I am crazy...someone has already told me they would never do this kind of thing...but God helps me to follow the command that in word or DEED do it all to His glory. Why can't I wash and condition my hair to HIS glory? Those are moments that I am alone and would normally waste in senseless thoughts.

You surely don't have to put your prayer list in your shower:) But, if you find that you are not praying over people in your life as you feel God leading you to...then maybe a daily schedule would help. Assign those that GOD leads you to pray over a day and then place that wherever you pray...or like me...have moments that need some redeeming!!!

This has allowed me to be truthful when I say I am praying for you. I really am! Now, please don't try to read the names:) I went a little further back so that it would be more private...but this list is certainly NOT all the people that I pray for! I also ask the Spirit to lead me to pray for those at all times. He brings them to mind! But, these are those I am yoked up with in prayer!

Hope this helps someone:) It has been powerful in my own life...thanks to Clete!

Thrive 365!