A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Something to think about...

"One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time."
— John Piper

I heard this on a podcast that I listen to and let that statement fall heavy on me. I don't have either of those...but trust me there are things like email and blogs that I could place in there as well. What a sobering I spend as much time in prayer as I do on those other "connection" sites? Do I place as much energy, interest, and time into connecting with my Father

Saturday, December 26, 2009

John 1:1-17

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

What a powerful way to begin my time in John!!! I love the stories of Jesus' birth on earth, but I love even more being reminded that He always WAS and is and is to come!!! I just sat and relished that amazing fact today we I sit alone and begin a new book study. I am finite and limited. We celebrate Jesus' earthly birth each year...but more joyous to me is that before that birth...He was and is GOD! He was not merely man...He is GOD!!! That makes that earthly birth so mind boggling...God in flesh...I can't comprehend it.

But wait. There is something that really got me truly rejoicing today!!! He tells us here in these verses that those who believe...He gives the right to be called the CHILDREN of God!!!!!! Now I just sat and pondered that. It says that we didn't get this right by our birth, our own human decision, or of our human relationships...but we are BORN of GOD.

Y'all that is going to take some soaking in. I've read it in several translations and it is just amazing and breath-taking in all of them. Y'all I am BORN of GOD! That is something we say and toss around like it is NORMAL...girls that is anything but normal!!! Just as GOS is all creation who was and is and is to come put on flesh is NOT normal...being born of God is crazy amazing!!

And it wasn't my birth that brought me into His family, it wasn't my own decision that brought me into this family. It was God alone who brought me into His family...born of God! WOW!

This also rings in heart for adoption. If there is to be a child brought into our will not be birth (I had a hysterectomy at 30), or by our own human decision, or by some legal paperwork. It will a child born of God into this family. It will be by HIS work and not our own...should we try to boast. Oh His Word is so good! The satisfaction of our souls, my friends!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from our home to yours today!


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

I pray that you all enjoy a beautiful time of JOY today and throughout the year as you focus you life on the gift of Jesus Christ! We will be out of town some over the next few days...but look forward to a new year of ministry together! Merry Christmas to all!!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Thoughts on finishing the book of Luke

Well, after almost a FULL year in the book of has come to an end. I am now working on my read through the Bible chronologically that I do in the evenings before bed. It has been quite sweet to have spent an entire year in Luke. I have stood in the crowd as Jesus was baptized, walked from town to town as he healed and loved on people. I have watched as he stole away to pray with His Father and I have sat beside Peter warming my hands by the fire as he and myself denied Jesus while He was right there looking at us. I was there raising my hands in worship as He rode in on a colt and I was humbled as He washed feet and broke the bread and drank the wine. I was certainly there struggling to keep watch and pray along with Him in the garden...but many times falling asleep spiritually. I looked on as they beat Him, tried Him, and grieved when they hung His almost unrecognizable body on that cross.

But, thankfully I was there when the triumphant news came that He was risen from the dead!!!! I ran to the tomb and gazed at the
miraculously empty tomb...and walked with Him on the road to Emmaus. Oh, the miles He and I have shares this year in one single book! The miracles I have my own life. You just can't walk with Jesus for that long and not be changed. Oh how the change has come this year. Oh how I have know more than ever the sanctifying work of the cross. Is it a hard and dusty journey? Oh yes!

But, where else could I go? Oh, how I love you Jesus! I can't wait to see you again in John and love you all over again in a fresh way! I look forward to the conviction and forgiveness you you will give and the bond that will daily grow deeper! What a wonderful ride you have invited me to join!!

My almost year in the book of Luke was amazing...but don't think this was they kind of study where I was reading multiple commentaries, pulling a part the Greek words, and writing a thesis on it. No, this was just Jesus and I walking VERY slowly together talking, laughing, certainly crying, and loving together every day...a few small verses at a time. There are times when I did pull out those coomentaries and look up a few Greek words...but more often it was just some quiet time with the lover of my soul. As Psalm 23 says...he restored my souls day by day.

Now...on to John!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Luke 24:51-53

"51While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God." Luke 24: 51-53

After those who were with Him as He ascended worshiped Him, they went back to their city of Jerusalem with great joy!!! I love this ending, because it reminds us that the great joy we find in Jesus is for every day! It wasn't just for when they had him there in flesh and blood, but continued after He left them and ascended into heaven. It continues every minute of each day!

They took this joy back to their daily lives and to their churches! Oh how I pray that we would richly desire to not only seek God's Word each morning, but would take the great joy we find in Him into our day! The way we are going to have lives, marriages, families, jobs, and a world filled with great joy is to first be found with Jesus each day. Allow Him to bring you into real passionate worship of who He truly is. There is GREAT joy in Jesus and the gospel!!! Then we take that joy into our own daily lives. It is transforming!!

Today I am asking God to help me take the great joy I have on meeting with him this morning into my marriage, my parenting, my schedule, my shopping, my time at church, my time with friends, into every area of my life! Won't you seek that with me today? This world is dying without knowing the great joy in worshiping Jesus Christ the Lord!!

There is good news of GREAT joy which has is Christ the Lord!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Worthington Family!

This year we are doing Christmas cards a little differently! Since we are adopting from Uganda and for the price of ONE stamp Amazima Ministries will be able to feed a little one in Uganda THREE meals, we are simply sending our Christmas greeting electronically this year!

We will also be donating what we would spend on Christmas cards to Amazima Ministries so you can feel good about NOT getting a card from us this year:)

We had so much fun putting this together because instead of just one or two photos...we are sharing a little bit of our entire year with you! We hope that you enjoy it and know that we are so blessed by your friendship and support.

We love you all and pray that the JOY of Christ will fill your hearts to overflowing this year! May His Word satisfy your soul as with the richest of foods...we pray that you THRIVE every single day of your lives no matter where you planted!

Enjoy the stroll through our year together and we look forward to many more...Merry Christmas sweet friends!

PS...many of you may also get this in an email too! If you didn't it just means we didn't have your current email address. Sorry for the duplicates!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Luke 23:45-47

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

All I could think of when I read this was WOW!!! Oh how we need Jesus to open our minds to DAILY understand the Scriptures!!! And what dis He open their minds to understand?

The Gospel.

There are no words to expound on this...the power is captured in the God-breathed words on this verse. I am in awe. I am in desperate need every minute for Him to open my mind to the Gospel. It is my only thought. My only prayer. My only hope!

I think these verses are going on my shower wall to memorize. Oh, how His Word pierces my flesh and soul...I love it beyond measure!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Luke 24:36

"As they were talking together, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, 'Peace to you!'"
Luke 24:36

I was so touched that as Jesus is resurrected...we find Him bringing the same greeting of peace that the angels who heralded his birth promised! it reminds me yet again this day that Jesus offers us the peace that truly passes ALL understanding. In the hustle and business of daily life I know how easy it is for all of us to get uptight. It's easy to loose the sense of peace in the midst of everyday life. But, Jesus offers precious life breathing peace to you and to me today.

This month I am trying to focus on enjoying and embracing my Jesus. I am trying to focus on the peace amidst the chaos and busyness. I tell you that I am learning it is a battle to focus my whole day around Him! Oh how the enemy and my own flesh wAnt to do their thing so many times throughout the day.

Thank you Jesus for greeting me today with peace! Thank you most of all for the ultimate peace you offer through Jesus and the substitute he was for my own sins! Peace to you my friends today!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Luke 23: 50-52

Jesus' Burial

" Now there was a man named Joseph, a member of the Council, a good and upright man, who had not consented to their decision and action. He came from the Judean town of Arimathea and he was waiting for the kingdom of God. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body."

Oh, Father how I want to be one like Joseph who is not going along with the decisions
of the wisdom of this works, but to look for the Kingdom of God! I pray today that I will keep my eyes on what is eternal and not focus on the distractions of this world. Help sweet Father to live today with expectation and anticipation of your coming again, and may that change every thought, word, and action. Help not to be lulled into the complacency of this world and the the false sense of satisfaction it wants to offer. Help me to live a life waiting for your Kingdom every day here in this life! Thank you for your Word that satisfies my deepest desire to be filled.

In the precious Name of my coming King,

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Things have been pretty hectic around here with the Thanksgiving holidays and some writing projects along with the Georgia Baptist Convention! Whew...that sentence already made me tired!

It has all been wonderful, but I will hopefully be able to wrote a little more in the coming days. I am now able to keep up with my blog by my maybe that will help me to stay up to date...who knows!

There are lots of things going on right now. I was honored to be brought in as the new president for the ministers' wives for the GBC. I look forward to a wonderful year of serving Georgia's ministers' wives!! Also, I had the great opportunity of writing an anchor article for the WMU magazine called Conversations. There are sure to be lots of great things in this magazine...I can't wait to read all of it!

Several retreats are scheduled for January and a few committee meetings too. God has opened some new doors and I am prayerfully walking through them. I ask that you pray with me also. I haven't updated in a I wanted to let you all know what God has been up to.

I am closing in on the end of the book of Luke after one year in it. I can't wait for John! What are you studying? I pray you are savoring His Word each morning as you start your day. It restores your soul!!
