A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thriving 365 - John

Hello Friends! Well, I'm a bit late in the day on this post but I guess late might be better than never:) This is part of another post I did back in January on this same passage. Enjoy friends!

Thriving in Truth~

Start your time today with a few moments of quiet prayer. Just be real with the Lord. Open up your heart and pour out before Him all your cares, worries, and hurts. Cast them upon Him...because He really does care for you! Ask Him to guide you as your turn to His Word today.

Read John 1:19-23.

Take your journal and write a few notes about your thoughts. This will be so valuable to you one day. You will enjoy reading over what God has taught you and it helps me to stay focused too!

*What do you hear God saying to you through these passages?

*Is there a verse in particular that really stands out to you? Why do you think that is?

*Look specifically at John's response to the Jewish leaders (verse 23). Is this familiar to you? Why?

Thriving Together~

These verses bring a very important question to my mind...where do I find my identity?

How powerful that John knew and confessed who he was and who he was NOT! The thing that is so impacting to me is that he knew and confessed who he was from Scripture. John found his identity in God's WORD...not what his followers said about him, not what the pharisees said about him, or even what He thought about himself. He was grounded strongly in who GOD said that he was!! I need to hear that today...and every single day of my life!!! Our identity is found in God's Word and in the cross.

May I not see myself through my own eyes or the eyes of others (good or bad), but may I seek the Word to define who Jesus is and in that light to understand who I am. I pray that the Word will show my my own sin, faults, and to love Jesus and my Jesus more. I pray that the Word of truth will fill me to overflowing and may my cup overflow!

Today, pray over where you are finding your identity. Is it from your husband? Your parents? Your children? Your job? Your ministry? Your church? Your house? Your title? it from the very Words of God? Oh, how I pray that you and I will find our identity in Christ and the cross alone.

Thriving Outside~

*How could you apply the Truth from God's Word to your own life today?

*Do you find yourself struggling with finding your identity in the approval of others? How does that leave you feeling?

*How might those areas of your life look differently if you sought Scripture's Truth to define your identity?

*How might believing God's Truth about yourself change how you overflow into the lives of the lost around you?

Take time to talk through those areas with God. Allow His Truth to change you...for good. Perhaps you can write verses that remind you of Truth and carry them with you to memorize. Allow God to speak to you right now.

Thriving 365~