A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fast Forward in John

Well, I had a "great" idea that I would go back and write my precious thoughts on the passages I had already studied in John. I thought that would help me to stay ahead of the game and post more consecutively on the book of John. But, the problem is that as I am going back over my notes in my journal for that day...I am more excited about what I studied THIS morning that I'm wanting to share it instead of what I learned a few weeks ago.

So...I think we are going to fast forward in John. I am in chapter 5 right now and when I sit to write...I want to share about what is on my heart TODAY...what is freshly gathered in my basket from this morning.

It's kind of like going to the Farmer's Market! All of that fresh picked produce fresh for that day...I just want to eat and cook it all to enjoy right then while it is ripe and fresh. That is the way I feel about God's is fresh for each day!

I will be picking up in John 5:21-24 today. And the thoughts I had this morning turned to the beauty of the Trinity. Take a moment to read over these few verses.

I just LOVE the way Jesus describes His relationship with the Father. It is seamless, intertwined, complete, personal, powerful, beautiful, complex, confusing at times (to me!!!), and ageless. When we honor the words of Jesus...we honor God. When we neglect His words each day and go about our day in our own strength and power...neglect to honor God.

Today, God challenged me to not only gather each day, but to savor it and make it a moment-by-moment part of my life. It's like if we went to that same Farmer's Market and spent time gathering the most delicious, ripe, beautiful, delectable fruits and veggies. We brought them home, placed them in a bucket in our pantry and went about our day. We never ate them, never enjoyed their delicious taste, and never felt the energy from eating them. Yes, you gathered. Yes, you took time to find tasty fruits and veggies. But, you never ATE them!!

It is so vital that we spend time reading God's Word and praying every single day of our lives. I strongly believe that starting each morning in His Word is like gathering the food and provision we need specific for that day. But, without actually walking in it, believing it, doing it, understanding it, and applying it to every moment each's just sitting in a bucket in the back of our pantry.

I pray today that you and I will FEAST!!! God provides EVERY single thing we need for life and godliness...everything!!! Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father. We lack nothing of value in Christ. But, we must honor His Word, believe His Word, and apply His Word!

When we truly believe the Words of Jesus, not only are we able to have eternal life, we are going to experience LIFE to the FULL!!!

Let's feast on His Word today...and walk in the power of it every moment.

Thrive 365~