A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, December 21, 2009

Thoughts on finishing the book of Luke

Well, after almost a FULL year in the book of has come to an end. I am now working on my read through the Bible chronologically that I do in the evenings before bed. It has been quite sweet to have spent an entire year in Luke. I have stood in the crowd as Jesus was baptized, walked from town to town as he healed and loved on people. I have watched as he stole away to pray with His Father and I have sat beside Peter warming my hands by the fire as he and myself denied Jesus while He was right there looking at us. I was there raising my hands in worship as He rode in on a colt and I was humbled as He washed feet and broke the bread and drank the wine. I was certainly there struggling to keep watch and pray along with Him in the garden...but many times falling asleep spiritually. I looked on as they beat Him, tried Him, and grieved when they hung His almost unrecognizable body on that cross.

But, thankfully I was there when the triumphant news came that He was risen from the dead!!!! I ran to the tomb and gazed at the
miraculously empty tomb...and walked with Him on the road to Emmaus. Oh, the miles He and I have shares this year in one single book! The miracles I have my own life. You just can't walk with Jesus for that long and not be changed. Oh how the change has come this year. Oh how I have know more than ever the sanctifying work of the cross. Is it a hard and dusty journey? Oh yes!

But, where else could I go? Oh, how I love you Jesus! I can't wait to see you again in John and love you all over again in a fresh way! I look forward to the conviction and forgiveness you you will give and the bond that will daily grow deeper! What a wonderful ride you have invited me to join!!

My almost year in the book of Luke was amazing...but don't think this was they kind of study where I was reading multiple commentaries, pulling a part the Greek words, and writing a thesis on it. No, this was just Jesus and I walking VERY slowly together talking, laughing, certainly crying, and loving together every day...a few small verses at a time. There are times when I did pull out those coomentaries and look up a few Greek words...but more often it was just some quiet time with the lover of my soul. As Psalm 23 says...he restored my souls day by day.

Now...on to John!!!