A Personal Welcome from Frances

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Luke 24:36

"As they were talking together, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, 'Peace to you!'"
Luke 24:36

I was so touched that as Jesus is resurrected...we find Him bringing the same greeting of peace that the angels who heralded his birth promised! it reminds me yet again this day that Jesus offers us the peace that truly passes ALL understanding. In the hustle and business of daily life I know how easy it is for all of us to get uptight. It's easy to loose the sense of peace in the midst of everyday life. But, Jesus offers precious life breathing peace to you and to me today.

This month I am trying to focus on enjoying and embracing my Jesus. I am trying to focus on the peace amidst the chaos and busyness. I tell you that I am learning it is a battle to focus my whole day around Him! Oh how the enemy and my own flesh wAnt to do their thing so many times throughout the day.

Thank you Jesus for greeting me today with peace! Thank you most of all for the ultimate peace you offer through Jesus and the substitute he was for my own sins! Peace to you my friends today!!!