A Personal Welcome from Frances

Friday, July 11, 2008

International Christian Retail Show 2008!

We are leaving for the International Christian Retail Show in Orlando, Florida and we are so excited! We will have the opportunity to meet and share with people from all around the world who are involved in Christian ministries. We will be meeting with the authors from Winepress at a wonderful dinner Sunday night. We just received the catalogue that was mailed all over the US and I am excited to meet other authors and hear their God stories!

Please pray that we would have Divine appointments all week. I know that we will be surrounded with so many opportunities to share what God is doing in DFM and I pray that we will be good stewards of this time. I pray that we would focus on the prize of Jesus Christ above all else this week. We know God has allowed to go to this for His reasons and we don't want to get distracted by anything at all!

If God brings us to mind, please pray specifically for these times:

Sunday night: Author dinner: pray that we will meet and glean from all the amazing authors and their stories. May this time be full of encouragement and support!

Monday evening: New Release Party - Pray that we will have Divine meetings with women who desire to thrive in this life. We aren't just signing books at this convention! We are there to share the message of hope through daily dependence on God and His Word. Pray that those books will land wherever God plans!

Monday evening: Meeting with musical group Beloved - pray that God will allow us to encourage and glean from this group. May God's will be accomplished as we talk about the direction God is leading our ministries.

Tuesday afternoon: Formal book signing - pray that again God will bring the women (or husbands) who will desire to thrive in this life by the power of God's Word. May God give me precious moments to share and listen to women from around the world.

Tuesday evening: Dinner with Danya Clairmont founder of our agency -pray that this will be a wonderful time of friendship and encouragement! May God use us to sharpen each other and enjoy sweet fellowship together!

*Please pray that we will be humble stewards of this time. May Jesus be lifted high and that HE may increase which means we MUST decrease!!

Thank you for walking this journey with us. Thank you for those who will pray this week as God leads your heart. Thank you for caring enough to stop by here and join your hearts with us. We love you so very much!

