A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We're Back!

We are home and I'm a little brain fried and will need several days to process all that happened this week. It has had a huge impact on me. God was truly involved in every moment we were there because though there were over 10,000 people there...I felt like I made wonderful friends every day. God took a HUGE event and make it intimate for me. I met so many people, enjoyed numerous stories of God's work in this world, and saw His involvement in every one of them! I don't think that a post could ever recount all the things God did this week!

I will try to debrief for the next few days and enjoy having my girls home and will try to post some details this weekend. Truly my heart is full and I am changed by this opportunity to go to ICRS.

**I also had a wonderful time on a conference call with the ladies around the US that are going on the Women of Hope vision trip to Central & Eastern Europe. I found out that I will be traveling to Krakow, Poland as my assignment along with Paula Hemphill. Please pray for me as I also found out that they are having a women's conference in Krakow and I am the speaker for that conference! So please begin now to pray that God will begin to give me the message to share with these women and leaders. Thank you for walking this journey with me!**

I so covet your prayers. Thank you for your support on this journey!


Anonymous said...

I am praying for you even now as I write, that God would place His hand upon you and guide you in the direction He wants you share with those in Krakow Poland. What a blessing you are to me - just reading your family and ministry blogs! Thank you for sharing!
Your sister in Christ,