A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More thoughts...

Last night in bed, God brought more insight about yesterday's passage. He reminded me that in the times He seems to turning over the tables of procrastination, pride, self-centeredness, doubt, worry, and laziness and running out the judgemental thoughts, careless words, and impatience in my "temple"...He is teaching me more about Himself. He is reminding me that I am to focus on Him alone through prayer and His Word.

Last night, it was a wonderful reminder that discipline is good for my soul. He is not in a fit of rage and righteous anger (as I always imagined in my mind when reading this passage). He is purposeful and He is teaching. What an awesome example for myself. What a great reminder about discipline!

So, even if today it seems like the tables of your life are being turned over, that Jesus is running out the sin that so easily entangles, and He is blocking those thoughts, actions, and words that do not glorify Him in your life today. Take heart! Be encouraged! He is teaching us more about Himself...and ourselves. He is pointing us to Himself and teaching us how to be a people of the Word and of prayer.

That you Jesus for that reminder last night. Thank you for your Word and reminding me to be a woman of both your Word and prayer. When those things are first in my life...those strongholds must break down and evil will flee. Thank you for loving me enough to turn over a few tables in my heart today!