A Personal Welcome from Frances

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mark 10:15-19

"And as he taught them..."
This is the story of Jesus reaching Jerusalem with his disciples and seeing the moneychangers and those selling doves in the temple courts. He drives them out and turns over tables and benches! I had read all of that and knew it well as I read over these passages. But, since I take the Word of God very slowly and meditate on each part of the passage, I saw something that I had never seen before today.

As he turned over tables and benches and blocked people from carrying their merchandise into the temple says he taught them. That really made me think and meditate today. I had always thought of this time as Jesus really getting angry. In my mind I saw Him full of righteous anger...but very emotional and definitely NOT teaching these people. Oh, what a wonderful little insight I got today into my Lord Jesus.

Though He is disciplining...He is teaching. I need this lesson today! My life is a teaching everything I do. Those around me (my children, friends, the lost world) should not see my life as simply an emotional reaction to life! As Jesus entered this situation, He took action to discipline and rebuke...but He was teaching them through scripture WHY He was doing this.

I had never seen that little phrase before and it really challenges me - especially with my own children. Lord, may I use each moment of discipline and rebuke as chance to teach my girls more about you through scripture. May I follow your example of teaching today. May I not simply live a reactive life...but a life rooted in your word that uses every situation to point people to You alone. Thank you for your Word is my life!