A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I began my trip with Women of Hope from Atlanta and flew directly to Frankfurt, Germany. I arrived and had about 5 hours before I got a chance to meet the Women of Hope team! It was wonderful to finally meet women I had been having conference calls with for 6 weeks! It was awesome to put faces with the sweet voices!
Then, we all boarded a plane and headed to Prague in the Czech Republic. This is where we would have the chance to hear about what God is doing in the Central and Eastern Europe area. We enjoyed time of fellowship and had the chance to be trained in the history of the CEE region.
We also had the opportunity to prayer walk the Prague area. It was a powerful time! I loved hearing from the leaders of this region personally and to hear their hearts for God's glory.

Afterwards, we had the opportunity to see the city and enjoy the beauty of this area. We went over the very famous Charles Bridge. It was absolutely gorgeous!

Here are some of my precious sisters on Women of Hope! We had such a great time getting to know each other and sharing Christ with those around us!

Prague is a beautiful city filled with wonderful old buildings and architecture. But, it is also full of people merely interested in money, themselves, and "religion." The apathy here was truly obvious as we prayer walked and as we heard from the field workers here.

Though the city has many statues of religious events and people, there is still a disconnect from the vibrant relationship Jesus offers each of us. He promises us we can have life to the full...but most people here are just living for self and claiming religion that is merely on the outside and not the inside.

It was wonderful to be a full team for the two days we were in Prague. The next morning, our Poland team had to get up at 3:30am to board a flight to Krakow, Poland! It was like we never went to sleep because Prague is a city that never sleeps like New York. And in Europe, many places do not have air conditioning (like our hotel) and we slept with the windows opened and heard the LOUD party each night! So, we were pretty tired our first few days there.

But, the fellowship was so sweet and our prayer time together as a team was wonderful! I would not be able to see these ladies from the other teams again, because I left directly from Krakow to head to Disney to be with my family. So, these days were precious and too short!