A Personal Welcome from Frances

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thriving 365~John 1:35-42

Well, first off I heard from my baby sister who lives in downtown Nashville and she is just fine! I got a text from my dad this afternoon that they had heard from her and then she called me later good to hear her voice! Thanks for praying!

It's been a busy weekend with Carl Kerby from Answers in Genesis sharing all weekend and Monday night at our church! It was AWESOME!!! Love that stuff!!! So, I have been behind on posting. So, yes it is 9:30pm and I am just now able to sit and write. I was at the mission those girls. It was crazy with only 3 volunteers and almost 20 women, but they remind us how God does this thing and not us...whew...what a day!

So, let's take a breath and let it out slowly and savor God's precious words in John 1:35-42. Take out your journal and write down the thoughts you have about these verses. Allow God to speak to your heart through His precious Spirit.

Thriving in Truth~

What are a few things that stand out most to you in this passage?

What do you notice about John?

What do you notice about the disciples?

What do you notice and learn about Jesus?

What can you glean yourself from this passage?

Thriving Together~

I love, love, love that John isn't about building a ministry and a name for himself. He clearly and boldly speaks the Truth about Jesus!! And...his own disciples leave him to follow Jesus. Oh, how well John modeled true discipleship. He had trained and taught those men well. He led them straight to the Lamb of God...and they immediately followed Him.

Ladies, let's follow this challenge! May we be the kind of mothers, friends, family members, ministers, and followers of Jesus that disciple others to immediately follow Jesus. Teach and mentor in the Truth of WHO Jesus is and the rejoice when the take off after Him!!

So many times ministry is built around the person in leadership. It's more about a personality and a style than discipleship and real life change. It can quickly become about the vessel and less about the Potter. John prepared his disciples to quickly and immediately leave and follow Jesus on their own.

Thriving Outside~

May each of us draw all attention to Jesus and His Word! My heart literally dances to read:

"John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus (the only way we can lead and minister is if WE are looking at Jesus!!!!) as he walked by and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!" The two disciples heard him say this , and they followed Jesus."

One of those men...was Andrew...who brought his brother Peter. What an amazing testimony of discipleship! Once we truly see Jesus in our own lives...we WILL overflow my sisters.

Oh Father, may we lead and disciple those around us in our lives so that they are ready to immediately follow and run hard after You on their own. May we not build my parenting, friendships, or ministries around ourselves. May those around us fall head over heals in love with You and Your Word!!!