A Personal Welcome from Frances

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Flu...

Well, I wanted to let you know why I haven't posted in's because my girls and I have the flu! We went to the doctors yesterday and were tested and found out the we were very positive for type A flu. The flu vaccines did not immunize against type A this it's all over the place. I have NEVER had the flu in my life! I have to say that it is NOT fun.

What has been worse, is the fact that I am sick right along with the girls. We have been in our king size bed for 3 days now and I am praying today will be a better day. So, I haven't been writing lately due to a high fever, crazy cough, and overall feeling like death!

So, I pray that I will be back to the devotions this week sometime, but until then keep us in your prayers! We have the meds to slow the replication of the virus and thus help us to get better faster...if they work. Since the vaccine was wrong this year, the tamiflu that was made to stop the replication is only about 50% effective. I just pray that the girls feel better soon! They are so pitiful.

Thanks for your prayers for our family and I'll post soon!