A Personal Welcome from Frances

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Has it really been a MONTH??

I can't believe it has really been a month since I last posted! Since the girls got out of school, we have been busy with days at the pool, enjoying the free summer movies for kids at the local movie theatres, days on field trips with our local homeschool excursion team, 4th of July with family in Alabama...and so much more!

But, now that we are heading into August, things are slowing down since all our friends are getting back into school. We don't begin school until the middle of September with our online academy...but when everyone else is in school that really slows us down a bit!

In the month of August, I will be turning my focus onto another study that will work verse by verse through the Isaiah 58. That chapter has really challenged and changed my outlook in so many ways. I have so many notes about it that I want to compile it into a study...if God desires that to take place.

Tomorrow I will be meeting with some women in Clarkston, GA. We will be walking around the "village" and praying over our involvement there. Please pray that God will give us all wisdom and discernment!

I will be posting more often now that summer is coming to a close. I so enjoyed taking time off to really enjoy this time with my girls during the day. We've had so much fun!

If you want to know what we have been up to this summer...feel free to check out my family blog at:

Thanks for journeying with me!