Well as you can see I haven't been updating on my head to toe prayer
book! It has been harder than I thought to narrow down all the amazing
verses I want to use! So I have been actively looking through my
Strong's concordance to find out what verses I want to meditate on
with each part...but there are SO many!!!
But I did want to share something I learned this morning and my
gathering time. I am in the book of John 7:16-18. Here Jesus is
teaching in the temple during the feast of Tabernacles. As He gets up
to teach the Jewish leaders are amazed at the authority with which He
Jesus is response to their amazement has brought about much thought
and conviction to me today.
Jesus says...
"the one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory, but the
ones who seeks the glory of him who sent me is true and in him there
is no falsehood."
My heart's prayer today in light of those verses was that I would
never speak in my own authority. But I know that I do! I speak so many
words each and every day and many times I never stopped to think about
who is getting the glory or with whose authority I'm speaking.
I just speak. I speak words to my husband, to my children, to my
friends, and to groups of ladies all around this country. Now when I
speak to women's groups, I always think about whose authority is
guiding my words. I pray very hard, I listened intently, and I seek
totally to speak to His glory.
But during my day... Not so much. So many times I know I speak my
own opinion, my own thoughts, and many times in my own authority. And
Jesus said there is so much falsehood in that. I so want to speak
words that are true and give him all the glory.
Lord today, please help me to be quick to hear and slow to speak.
May I count my words so carefully and may every word I speak or teach
to be in His authority and for His glory!
Thrive 365!
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