A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, March 1, 2010

John 6:16-21

Hi girls! I'm so glad to be starting a new week in God's work together!

Today I want you to look at John 6:16-21. This is a familiar story to
many of us, but I want you to take your time and look at these verses
with fresh eyes today.

As I was reading the first thing I came to was verse 17, where it says
that it had become dark and Jesus had not come to them yet. Have
there been times in your life when you felt as if your situation was
getting very dark and Jesus had not yet come to you?

I think there are times in all of our lives when the storms seem to be
coming on rough, the winds are blowing, and the situation is getting
dark and we feel as if Jesus isn't going to come.

The disciples had been rowing and rowing for miles before they saw
Jesus coming to them. I'm sure they felt discouraged and perhaps even
a little hopeless as they spent that time tossed about in the boat.
And then they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming to them! And
they were scared!

They didn't recognize him. They didn't know it was him. But when He
spoke...they knew His voice and they were glad to take Him into the
boat. And my most favorite part of this section is that immediately
the boat was at the place they were going.

Oh how I needed to hear this today! I wrote in my journal this morning
that I am so grateful that because Jesus is with us, we are always in
His timing. As we journey through this life, it is so easy to take our
eyes off of Jesus... to feel that he has not yet come to us in our
hard times.

But we must trust that He is there, He loves us, and that when we
gladly seek to have Him in charge of our boat's course...we will
safely land exactly where we need to be...right on time! May we be
able to see Jesus in the storm with eyes of faith today. May we rest
in him and in his plan.

Thank you Jesus for your timing that is so perfect. Thank you for
always coming to us in the storm and help us not to be tossed by the
waves, but to be focused on you alone! Lord today please keep our
focus on you during the rough winds and seas of our lives. May we see
you and invite you into the boat gladly, knowing that at just the
right time we will arrive at the destination. Help us to rest in that

Thrive 365-