A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Poland Recap #3

After we had a wonderful lunch, we headed to meet the pastor and wife that had partnered with our friends to reach outo Olztyn with the love of Christ. We were invited into their home, which was part of the church. It had one room that had a bed, table, and a wardrobe. It also had a small desk on the wall and a HUGE wall heater (they are very big over there because they burn coal). Then, the other room was a small kitchen with a tiny bathroom attached. That was it...and she is pregnant with their first baby!

They brought us into their home and served us food fit for queens. She had baked an amazing cake with fabulous hot tea (I was in heaven in Europe because they love hot tea more than I do!). It was on china plates and so beautiful. She was the picture of a servant.

And she had two little helpers who were 8 years old. They are two little girls who come to the Sunday School that they have in their bedroom while the parents are upstairs in the one room church. They served us tea and cake. They took the dishes away and washed them while we talked. They were the sweetest little girls and you could tell that they had learned so much from their mentor!

Arent' they just the cutest things ever? All three of them! She and her husband had just been voted on to take over the pulpit from the pastor (in the photo above with them) who is retiring. But, he still remains a mentor to the family.

Then, after hearing about their ministry and a few songs from the girls that they learned in Sunday School (video below), we headed off to meet some people in his church. They had invited us into their meager homes with love! It was awesome!!

Home after home were heard amazing stories of God's love and how He is working in Poland. We were offered amazing dishes and lots of tea...much to my delight!! This is a very traditional dish called Bigos...made with sauerkraut and vinegar. It was yummy! But, my favorite food from Poland were the Pieroges. Wow are they awesome!

After we had made several visits, we headed back to their little home and found his wife (I am not using names because I don't want to compromise their ministry) had gone to pick the wild. Now, this woman had baked a cake, was disciplining young girls on how to serve and show hospitality, is a pastor's wife...and the girl picks mushrooms to cook with! It puts American women to shame...or at least puts me to shame! May I remind you that she is PREGNANT!

They have a beautiful garden in the back of the church where she grows much of their food. They have bees for their honey and apples, pears, etc to eat. She is the proverbs 31 girl!

Then, as if her day hadn't been long enough...we all load up in the van and go to meet this precious women. She is the "mayor" of this town. She is not a believer, but was extremely open to God as we met and shared with her. She invited us into her home and allowed us to share our hearts with her. It was all in Polish and was a wonderful night just to see and hear the missionaries share in Polish...and translate for us at times. We look forward to what God is going to do through those relationships He is bridging.

We fell into bed that night and were grateful again for Aletha's hospitality. Her home was a haven to rest and unwind after such a busy and terrific day!

This video is precious. You may remember the song that says:

"Read your Bible, pray everyday, pray every day, pray everyday

Read your Bible, pray everyday...and you'll grow, grow, grow.

Don't read your Bible, forget to pray, forget to pray, forget to pray.

Don't read your Bible, forget to pray and you'll shrink, shrink, shrink."

This is that song in Polish and shows how sweet their little Sunday School class must be. You can see in the video that the outside of the wardrobe is used as a Sunday School board and their bed is where the kids sit. It really showed me that ministry is our of their hearts and serving God is the center of their lives. I am challenged by this young couple.