A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 Samuel 2

Take time today to read 2 Samuel 2.

What are some things that stand out to you personally about this passage?

Look closely at verses 1-4.

What about this conversation draws your attention?

I love the fact that David inquired of the Lord...and believed that He would answer him! And God does answer Him directly! How precious is the honor of prayer and talking with the God of the universe!!!

I walk early in the is my favorite time of the day. I love being outdoors and I almost burst literally from trying to drink everything of God's creation and world in! I ask Him every day why I can't just bottle it up and enjoy it all day long...ah, the voice of a true addict! And every morning He replies to my request...then you would worship that feeling instead of ME...and He is right.

During these walks each day, I pray for 30-40 minutes talking with God about those things that are on my mind, my agenda,and my heart. Now, you have to understand that though I have been deeply entrenched in God's Word for 6 1/2 years consistently...I have struggled with intercession and prayer.

But, now during these walks I have experienced time with My Father in such a powerful way. I talk to Him and day by day I hear His voice answering. He convicts me, rebukes me, encourages me, and teaches me. He is real in those times of prayer and that changes me each day.

Today, perhaps you are like me and have struggled to pray as if God really hears and answers. Take encouragement from David in this passage and believe Him! He will answer...maybe not in our time or the way we would like! Let's make sure today that we are seeking God's direction in our day. Let's feast on His Word and talk with Him about those questions, hurts, frustrations, and confusing things we are going through today. I love to hear God answer His children and this passage reminds me that He is personally involved in this relationship!