"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector." Matthew 18:15-17
Oh girls, this passage is a tough one to put into practice isn't it? So many times it is easier to "get advice" from another friend, talk about them behind their backs, keep it to ourselves stewing about it for month...or years, holding a grudge, being irritable and frustrated with everyone around us, or simply never speaking to them again.
It's hard to reconcile with someone who has wronged us. It's even harder to be the one to start that process. We would rather they come crawling back to us begging forgiveness. But, that doesn't always happen...what do we do then?
I love that God's Word is always ready to answer our every question! This is a step by step prescription of the road to reconciliation between Christians.
First WE are to go to that person who has wronged us. Wow...that is hard to do. It's hard to make the first step of forgiveness when you were the one hurt. It's hard to lay down our pride and self protection in order to embrace forgiveness and unity. We want that person to be really, really, really sorry first before we think about forgiveness.
But, that is not what God tells us, as Christian, to do here. We are to be willing to do whatever it takes...as far as it depends on us...to seek to reconcile ourselves with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
What stands in our way of doing this? PRIDE! We all deal with it from time to time. And it really rears it's ugly head when we get hurt. We want to protect ourselves. But, if there is one major thing I have learned and shared this year, it's that we CAN'T protect ourselves.
People are going to hurt you. They are going to disappoint you. Friends are going to choose to talk to others instead of coming to you. You spouse will break your trust. Your kids will lie to you. Your coworkers will blame you when you are innocent. It's going to happen. Why? Because we are all sinful. Relationship are two sinful, imperfect humans hanging out together!
But, God is the one I trust! I trust God...and therefore I can seek unity and forgiveness and love with those around me. Not because I have surrounded myself with only those that won't hurt, challenge, disappoint, or frustrate me. It's because my trust is in God. He's in control and He is my standard.
Out of that love and forgiveness He alone gives to us...can we turn around and give that gift to those around us. It doesn't matter if you were wronged...seek unity! You be the one to obey God and let Him worry about the other person. You be vulnerable first...be the one to forgive...be the one to seek unity...and trust God above all else.
Will that person always want to be reconciled...no. Will you always gain that relationship back...no. But, you can stand before the Lord and know that you did what He laid out in Matthew 18. You went to that person first...and then followed the rest of those steps.
But, most of us don't even get to those others steps because we won't go to the person who has hurt us so deeply. We simply get out our brinks and start building walls. We determine that we won't get hurt like that again. We separate ourselves from the hurt...and from God's comfort.
Freedom comes in laying down pride and embracing the gift of God's love! So grab a brick today and tear down a wall that has been there far too long!
What about you? What are your thoughts on these verses? What has God shown you today through His Word? What is He up to in your own personal reading today...we want to hear what He's doing! Comment below...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Desert Devotion: June 3, 2008
Posted by Frances at 8:30 AM
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