"What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work today in the vineyard.'
" 'I will not,' he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. "Then the father went to the other son and said the same thing. He answered,
'I will, sir,' but he did not go.
"Which of the two did what his father wanted?" "The first," they answered." Matthew 21:28-31
Today as I read this passage, I was convicted that many time I am like the second son. God commands me to "go and make disciples of all nations." I agree passionately and tell Him I will, but do not share with the people in my day. This really convicted me today.
I know that I am like that second son about sharing my faith. I'm not talking about going through the FAITH outline (which is wonderful). I am talking about working in the fields that are ripe unto harvest. I'm talking sharing hope with a dying world. I answer the call God commands with a resounding, "I will, sir" but many days I just don't go and share.
Today, that is my prayer. I pray that I will no longer by that second son. I really don't even want to be the first son either! I want to be the child of God that says I will go...and then goes to do the work the Father has for me. Boy, how the Word of God gets in my business!
Which son or daughter are you today? If you are like me, let's not just say we'll follow Christ by sharing the hope of salvation and love...let's DO IT today!
God has shown me a way that I can share His Word and love with others every day. I went to Lifeway and bought their Invitation Bible (New Testament and plan of salvation) for .50 each! I bought all they had along with the Invitation CD with Rick Warren (no matter what you think about him...it's a great CD) that clearly outlines in very simple terms how to be saved. Those only cost $1.00 each. I wrote a card on each of them telling them why I have given them this gift and my email (one I registered with Yahoo for these gifts only) and remind them that if they have one of these and have already accepted the eternal gift of salvation to pass it on to someone else.
Many times during my day I am in places like Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc running errands. This way I can give the person I am feeling led to by God a gift to take home if I haven't had the time to share with them extensively. This is something that God has led me to do...maybe one a day.
But, some days...I have gotten distracted. I still have many to give away! But, today through His Word God convicted me of the work to do in the vineyard. He convicted me that I said, "I will, sir" and then didn't. It's not fun to admit these kinds of things...but they are true.
Today, I will. Today, I will ask God to open my eyes to someone in need of hope. If God allows time, I will share personally. But, if not...I will share a gift of His Word. May my actions match my passion (thanks VBS!).
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