A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

There's Hope for the Hungry!

Today, our church will host our first There's Hope for the Hungry ministry!! Several months ago, a man in our church asked Jay to go with him to see this amazing ministry at a local church. Jay went and when he came home, he told me that no matter what it took or how much it cost, our family would be a part of bringing this ministry to Noonday and our community. Well, about a week or two later the entire staff went to see There's Hope for the Hungry in action and THEY felt the same way too!

Last Sunday, my husband preached an amazing sermon on Fields of the Fatherless...why we should care about the poor, the fatherless, and the lost. It was hard...but true. Then, we had the pleasure of having Michael Brown who is one of the directors of There's Hope for the Hungry come and speak to us. He showed the following video. It tells all about the ministry here in Georgia...and gives a real view of why they exist in a way much better than I could ever do justice here myself.

Please go to this link and watch the video North American Mission Board did on their ministry:

Here is the sermon Jay preached and the testimony by Michael Brown at that service:

After our church heard the sermon, watched that video, and heard Michael Brown speak...the Holy Spirit broke loose and people were lining up to partner in any way possible to love those in our community and share the GOSPEL with them.

I have been in church most of my life...and travel to churches all over...and truthfully I have only seen the Spirit move in a handful of times the way He moved in our church that morning. People received Christ as their Savior, rededicated their lives, lined up to volunteer, gave money, prayed at the was amazingly POWERFUL. I cried and laughed so hard...all at the same time!

What encouraged me the most is that our church was responding to taking the GOSPEL to those who are hurting, hungry, fatherless, poor, widowed, and lost!! That's what opened the door and ushered in the unmistakable move of the Spirit. is continuing!! This Sunday was amazing as well!!

So, today begins our partnership with There's Hope for the Hungry. I can't wait to get up there tomorrow morning and be a part of this! The exciting thing for me? I get to serve the poor and the lost alongside my husband and children...God is just SO good!!! Another amazing part of this ministry is that our church will do the follow up on the people that come. They are in our own community and since they register and we have a record of them...we get the honor of touching them, praying for them, sharing Christ with them, disciplining them, and loving them!!