I want to pick back up on the Free To Give series...focusing on how Great is His Faithfulness! If you are just here for the first time you can see part one of the story here. Here's the rest of the story...
So, after a heart change from the Spirit and practical advice from Dave Ramsey...we began to wet our feet in living completely debt free. It has been a journey. Trial and MANY errors! But, through it all...we did NOT use credit. God always provided just enough...and most of the time MORE than enough.
But, an experience rocked my world in February 2010. God brought a woman in great need to my life and her family brushed mine for a few mere hours and God did a work in my heart and our family through God's provision to her. You don't need to know the specifics...but it grew my faith and my trust in the Provider and Lover of my soul in such a powerful way. He performed a financial miracle in our lives that reminded me that God does not need our money (sacrifice) but a pure and contrite heart that gives cheerfully in faith!
At that point, Jay and I began to pray like crazy over every single financial issue in our lives...knowing that God desires to bless us SO THAT we can be a blessing to those around us. Not to hoard it. Not to love on it. Not to waste it. Not to become distracted by it. To be a blessing. Remember Abraham? He was blessed SO THAT others would be blessed through him.
In March, Virginia needed braces. Did we have $3,000 to pay cash for braces? Um...NO. What did we do? PRAYED! Yep, we told the girls about our need, we knelt each night together beside the bed and prayed SO hard for God to do a miracle. We did not tell anyone of our need or amount. We know too many people who would give to us out of compulsion. We knew God would supply...just as He did for the men and women of the Bible and in Christian History (We love us some George Mueller, Amy Carmichael, etc.).
God totally provided! On the very first appointment we were blessed by God to be able to write a check for the exact amount! He provided a timely large check for a large portion of it (praise God!) and we had the rest in our small savings account. Our whole family rejoiced in the answered prayer that God provided for Virginia's braces. Every night we had prayed over the need and waited on God to provide!!
Then, about 2 months later in June, both of our cars had check engine lights on. In Georgia, you have to pass emissions by the time you get your renewal for tags. So, we had to take our cars to the mechanic to be fixed. To make a long story shorter...the total cost for that ONE month was $1500. Did we have $1500 in some kind of savings account? Did we have that in our checking account? NO WAY!
We got together as a family and prayed so very hard. But, God did a few things differently this time. First, He had already been moving our hearts to live to be free to GIVE. So, at the beginning of the month we had already begun to cut, cut, cut, cut. Everything was under examination and prayer. And not only did God change our budget, He changed our American mindset. This is how it happened...
Jay's birthday was June 27th. We had to get both cars in shape to pass emissions. The first set of repairs on my car was $600. We prayed and prayed...and when Jay looked at our account we had enough to cover that amount. Then, the light was still on. Back to the mechanic. The estimate...$600 more dollars. Hmmm...what is God up to?
Jay listened to what they said about the car and what needed to be fixed. The mechanics even offered to let us pay a little now and the rest when we got it (how amazing is THAT?) since we ALWAYS pay in cash. We thanked them for their kind offer, but felt in our spirits that God would provide...if we waited on Him. Jay got the car back (without repairs) and we waited. God had not provided a way yet. What would we do? How could we get it fixed? No one even knows our need....not family, not friends, not our church. Only God.
Then, God reminded us that there was another way...should He ask it of us. What if we didn't drive that car? What if we lived like most of the world and WALKED to work...which is church too(only 3 miles), grocery story (less than a mile), etc.? What if we just used Jay's car (which doesn't have air...but most of the world doesn't even know what air conditioning would be like!) and left that one in parked until God provided the cash? Would we trust Him even then? Would we wait on His timing? Hmmm.
So, we prayed and waited and cut more of our "wants" out of the budget. A few more days went by and Jay sat at the computer looking over the month and God worked the money in the account to not only be able to pay the $600 for my car, but the $300 more for his car to pass (tomorrow's story!).
This time was different from the braces when a large portion was given to us. That is a miracle! I love it when God moves His people to GIVE and bless others! It's so fun and so wonderful.
But, this last one was more intimate. It was just between us and God. No one knew our need. No check came in the mail. No extra money mysteriously floated our way. It was by His hand alone that this miracle happened in our account.
It wasn't anything we did. It wasn't anything another did. It was only God. He wanted to see how much we would trust His faithfulness to provide EVERYTHING for us. And then, in doing that He changed our hearts to see that if He doesn't provide for that then we will do without it...until He does provide.
It might be hard (walking 3 miles to work in July!). It might be uncomfortable. It might be scary. It might be lonely. It might cost a great deal. But...giving up a few creature comforts in this world for treasures in Heaven...there's no comparison. None.
God didn't ask us to walk to work...this time. He didn't ask us to go without at all. He did ask us to wait, pray, and have FAITH. The American dream says do it NOW, your way, and on your own. And sadly for far too many years that was how I saw finances. Just do what you gotta do. That's why we have credit cards...and loans...and mortgages...right?
If we are going to FREE to GIVE, then we gotta stop giving all our money to the bank for interest. We gotta free up the income God graciously provides, those who have jobs, to provide for our needs and then become a blessing. We are merely a steward of God's resources...not the owner. (That's Dave Ramsey talking there!)
This may be a harder call for many of us than making our own laundry detergent and household cleaners. This was one of the hardest and most humbling journeys of my life (outside of parenting!). And yet...it has been the most JOYOUS!! It has changed my heart about prayer, the power of the Spirit to work in our lives, and the faith I have in God. It's been nothing short of amazing!
I share this with you to encourage you. I was asked to share with my church and I told them these stories. I want to shout the faithfulness of God all day long in our lives! These past few months have changed me. They have grown my faith in God. They have brought our family into a fresh power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and utter dependence on God alone for our needs. They have refined us and convicted us...and help us shed the trappings of this world a little more.
We have not arrived in all of this. I was never so happy to see the July 1st payday! But, God provided...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Free To Give - Great is HIS Faithfulness: Part 2
I love you Jesus!!
Posted by Frances at 6:20 PM
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