In seeking to honor God in a prayerful heart, I have found much encouragement in learning from others in the faith. In areas where you struggle, run to God's Word and seek His instruction and creativity in those areas of your life. Then, find exhortation from the faith walk of others. So many times God has burdened my heart for something...and then led me to a sister or brother in Christ who could encourage and exhort me in that area. We are to sharpen each other! We are the body and we can work together to edify and instruct each other. Here are just a few I have been reading recently on prayer:

I also highly encourage you to ask God to send you a mentor in the faith. I believe it is God's desire that, as women, we find a godly woman to encourage and to teach us. I have had one such lady (though MANY women mentor me in so many ways!) for the past 7 years and she has been such a powerful woman of faith in my life! I thank God for her!!!
I pray you are THRIVING in prayer!
Thrive 365~
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