A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Today begins Lent. This article by Noel Piper (John Piper's wife) and her book which is online for free explains much better than I can about the meaning behind Lent. It is like Advent in that it is a season of reflection and waiting. It is a time when we focus our hearts and our lives on the Cross and the empty tomb. For 40 days many fast in order to focus themselves on Christ and his life, death, and Resurrection. Each of us will be praying about what God would want us to fast from in order to have more pockets of time to focus on Him.

We are beginning the daily devotions (in addition to the weekly ones found in the article above...I'll post the link on my first Lent post tonight) and also do a unique Easter Tree for our pantry door this year. I am excited that Noel Piper has shared some wonderful ideas with us and we can all take a few and maybe incorporate them into our family traditions in our own unique way!

I pray that I will embrace the Cross this year more than ever. I pray that I will boast in Christ alone! I pray that this blog will be a place where grace and the Gospel are shown and proclaimed. I pray that I will decrease and HE will increase.

I will post about our Easter Tree and how we can take these 40 days to focus on the Cross and the empty tomb!!! I can't wait!!!