Please pray as the kids and I head to Clarkston this afternnon to meet with a Congolese mom. She has been here for only 2 weeks (in the US) and we are going over to her house today. Pray that we will help in some small way!
My reading today is from John 6 where Jesus feeds the 5000. No matter what small gift of faith we can is Him who does the miracles! And...of is ALWAYS enough. Take special notice how Jesus gave them all they could eat...and when they had enough there were leftovers!!! He doesn't waste a thing!
I need to know that He will work His miracles in the lives of those around me and in my own life and it will be MORE than enough!
Thank you Jesus!!! I have MORE than I could think or imagine. Now, may a small step of faith be in your hands.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Posted by Frances at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lent Day #3...The Fall
Today we read Genesis 3 and it was such a wonderful discussion with the girls. In Genesis three we see the Gospel right before our eyes. So many people feel that Jesus is only found in the New Testament...but as John 1:1 tells us...He was with God in the beginning. This is His story of redeption. The Gospel IS the story!
So, tonight we walked through the Gospel story of sin and the precious way we see God cover Adam and Eve with animal skins. We see the first blood sacrifice covering the first sin. God Himself is the one to cover sin and to make the precedent of sacrafice for sin...because the wages of their sin and our sin is death.
We are loving this 40 days through the Bible, because it is reminding us ALL to see Jesus in every single part of history. It is centering our readings on the Gospel and seeing Jesus in every single part.
What about you? Have you recognizes your sin against God? Have you confessed that to Him? Have you, by faith, believed that Jesus is the Son of God and the only Way to be reconciled with God? Will you accept His sacrifice on the Cross, the shedding of His blood in your place, His ressurection and victory over the grave and live your life with Him as not only your Savior but Lord?
If you have questions about these things, email me (! I would love to talk to you!! Be blessed...
Thrive 365~
Posted by Frances at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
John 5:30
Read over this verse and meditate on what God wants to say to you personally through it.
What a beautiful verse! Jesus shares that even HE does nothing on His own...but that He listens and hears from God and then does His will. He doesn't seek His own will...even being in nature God Himself. But somehow WE get the idea that we can operate just fine on our own will. We go about our days relying on self and our own wisdom and judgements. I know many times throughout my day as a mom, I go about giving out judgements based on my own thoughts, opinions, emotions, mood, and my own will.
Today, I want to again (it's a moment by moment surrender!!!) deny my own agenda for today and listen only to my Father. When I listen and HEAR His Words...then the things I do and words I say will not be because of what want and think...they will be led by God!
We were watching the men's skating and there was A young teen who was skating. They interviewed him about his coach who had passed away. The young skater said that his coach was involved in everything he did...and even corrected his table manners when they went out to eat. He had a coach who was concerned about him as a whole and he learned more than just skating from him.
That is the way with our relationship with God. Many times we just want instruction in our "spiritual" lives and when God's Word challenges us to give up our rights in our friendships and marriages, tells us to have complete Truth in our workplace, to lead our children, share our stuff with those who don't have any stuff...we just don't want to do it. We don't want to submit and surrender our own lives...all to Him. We want to still keep our will. We want Him to leave our table manners out of it and just worry about the skating.
Jesus challenges us to follow His example of listening only to God for ALL things...and then following. Surrendering our will...all of it...and realize we can do NOTHING on our own! What freedom and release!!
Posted by Frances at 6:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Easter Tree
Today begins the first day of our Easter Tree. My mom always had an Easter Tree and I just loved it! I'm sure it is up in her house as I write this. So, since we all have so enjoyed turning our pantry door into our family celebration center...I began to ponder how to approach Easter. Then, upon reading about the kind of Easter Tree celebration Noel Piper used...and then seeing another crafty friend Andrea's ideas...I got to work creating something of our own.
When I began to think about what kind of tree to have...I could only think of the Cross. So, we bought some burlap (think sackcloth and ashes for grieving and for Ash Wednesday which begins Lent). Then, we cut "an old rugged cross" out of brown felt. This one is not meant to be fancy, pretty, or glamorous. This one is to remind us of the upcoming death of Jesus on the cross. This one is to cause us to reflect. The girls and I talked about how different this one looked than our valentine's one. Two displays of love.
Then, because I liked the daily devotions and yet wanted the feel of the Jesse tree we had, I used daily readings and symbols from Andrea's blog for her Easter Tree. But, I wanted to use pictures and attach them with a pin to the Cross. They are sharp and remind us the nails. Each day as we pierce the cloth with those is tangible reminder of the piercing nails and the rugged cross. This one is somber.
I simply used the daily suggested pictures and hopped on Google to print out photos of the symbol or Bible story that goes along with the reading. The readings walk us all the way through the Bible to remember the entire story of the Bible is about Jesus!!! I laminated them with contact paper and then cut them out. I printed out the readings and we began the first one today. The mustard remind us it all begins with FAITH!
Lastly, we hung our seed of faith at the bottom...the foundation. We will hang our pictures from the bottom up in order to show how the Old Testament lays a foundation! We will end at the top on Good Friday...with a crown of thorns and a cross filled with fulfilled prophesy! Then, the cross will hang there until early Sunday morning. It will be GONE...and we will celebrate that He is RISEN!!!
We will be using Noel Piper's 7 candles of Easter...much like we used our Advent candles. I posted about earlier today about her article and book that outline all about it. So, you can read it there:)
For the next 40 days all I will be posting are daily thoughts on the readings for the day and photos of the Cross. I need to focus on the Cross and less on self. I need this break to bring the Cross and Resurrection to the forefront. I need to decrease and let HIM increase.
The Old Rugged Cross...
Our small little seed...
The pin to remind us of the nails that pierced his hands and feet on that Cross...
The seed is hung at the foot of the Cross to lay the foundation of faith...
May this 40 days be amazing! May we boast in the Cross and celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! May our lives radiate the Gospel!!!
Thrive 365~
Posted by Frances at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Today begins Lent. This article by Noel Piper (John Piper's wife) and her book which is online for free explains much better than I can about the meaning behind Lent. It is like Advent in that it is a season of reflection and waiting. It is a time when we focus our hearts and our lives on the Cross and the empty tomb. For 40 days many fast in order to focus themselves on Christ and his life, death, and Resurrection. Each of us will be praying about what God would want us to fast from in order to have more pockets of time to focus on Him.
We are beginning the daily devotions (in addition to the weekly ones found in the article above...I'll post the link on my first Lent post tonight) and also do a unique Easter Tree for our pantry door this year. I am excited that Noel Piper has shared some wonderful ideas with us and we can all take a few and maybe incorporate them into our family traditions in our own unique way!
I pray that I will embrace the Cross this year more than ever. I pray that I will boast in Christ alone! I pray that this blog will be a place where grace and the Gospel are shown and proclaimed. I pray that I will decrease and HE will increase.
I will post about our Easter Tree and how we can take these 40 days to focus on the Cross and the empty tomb!!! I can't wait!!!
Posted by Frances at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. John 5:26
I just LOVE this verse!!! Life itself comes from the Father...both physically and spiritually. I began thinking about how flippantly I view life. I breathe in. I breathe out. I go about my day as if it's not a MIRACLE!! Ask any nurse or doctor who believes in the Lord and they will totally agree that for us to just go about daily life is amazing!!!
Yet, I don't live as if it is a miracle most days. For the past several days our family has been watching the Olympics together. I do NOT have a competitive bone in my whole body. I hate to win because I hate for someone to loose. So, the Olympics fascinate and yet confuse me. I can't FATHOM the pressure or the drive to do what these amazing athletes do. These people push their lives to the total brink of what is physically and mentally possible...and they will say it over and over again in almost every makes me feel alive.
It makes me a nervous WRECK!!! I am on the couch holding my breath as men throw tiny women way up into the air and they land on something as wide as my FINGER! I am a ball of nerves seeing men fly downhill on two planks of wood on the edge of control and a trip to the ER. But, they tell us that they feel alive.
I thought about that today as I read these verses. How often do I feel that alive either physically or...spiritually?
Our LIFE is from the Father...the fact that a sinful human can be in a relationship with Him is a MIRACLE!!! Yet, many times we just take it so casual. We never experience the LIFE to the FULL that Jesus promised us. We are walking on the sidewalk when we are able to mount up on wings of walk and never be never thirst or hunger again. Now there aren't any gold medal Olympians who can boast that!!!
How are you going about life today? Are you running all out and hard after God and what He wants to do in your life? Are you like Peter walking on the water by faith? Are you thriving instead of just surviving? Our walk with God is meant to be filled to overflowing with LIFE!!! Our passion and desire and commitment should but Olympians to shame!!!
May we all embrace the wild ride of faith today!
Posted by Frances at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Fast Forward in John
Well, I had a "great" idea that I would go back and write my precious thoughts on the passages I had already studied in John. I thought that would help me to stay ahead of the game and post more consecutively on the book of John. But, the problem is that as I am going back over my notes in my journal for that day...I am more excited about what I studied THIS morning that I'm wanting to share it instead of what I learned a few weeks ago.
So...I think we are going to fast forward in John. I am in chapter 5 right now and when I sit to write...I want to share about what is on my heart TODAY...what is freshly gathered in my basket from this morning.
It's kind of like going to the Farmer's Market! All of that fresh picked produce fresh for that day...I just want to eat and cook it all to enjoy right then while it is ripe and fresh. That is the way I feel about God's is fresh for each day!
I will be picking up in John 5:21-24 today. And the thoughts I had this morning turned to the beauty of the Trinity. Take a moment to read over these few verses.
I just LOVE the way Jesus describes His relationship with the Father. It is seamless, intertwined, complete, personal, powerful, beautiful, complex, confusing at times (to me!!!), and ageless. When we honor the words of Jesus...we honor God. When we neglect His words each day and go about our day in our own strength and power...neglect to honor God.
Today, God challenged me to not only gather each day, but to savor it and make it a moment-by-moment part of my life. It's like if we went to that same Farmer's Market and spent time gathering the most delicious, ripe, beautiful, delectable fruits and veggies. We brought them home, placed them in a bucket in our pantry and went about our day. We never ate them, never enjoyed their delicious taste, and never felt the energy from eating them. Yes, you gathered. Yes, you took time to find tasty fruits and veggies. But, you never ATE them!!
It is so vital that we spend time reading God's Word and praying every single day of our lives. I strongly believe that starting each morning in His Word is like gathering the food and provision we need specific for that day. But, without actually walking in it, believing it, doing it, understanding it, and applying it to every moment each's just sitting in a bucket in the back of our pantry.
I pray today that you and I will FEAST!!! God provides EVERY single thing we need for life and godliness...everything!!! Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father. We lack nothing of value in Christ. But, we must honor His Word, believe His Word, and apply His Word!
When we truly believe the Words of Jesus, not only are we able to have eternal life, we are going to experience LIFE to the FULL!!!
Let's feast on His Word today...and walk in the power of it every moment.
Thrive 365~
Posted by Frances at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Winter Olympic Prayer Guide
We ordered this wonderful prayer guide to go through each day of the
Winter Olympics AND the Paralympics. We have been busy studying the
history and facts and games of the Olympics in school, so when I saw
this guide on the WMU website...for $1.99...I couldn't wait for it get
here!!! And it arrived today just in time.
But, I encourage you to purchase it and just start when it arrives
since it will be going on until Feb. you have time!!!
I will also be posting daily prayer points for each day that are in
the back as a quick reference guide just to get us all praying as we
watch and cheer. The Olympic mission teams need our prayers as do
those who are lost. Let's be strategic during this time when the
world's eyes are all turning towards this event.
If you would like to purchase this book please click on this link:
I also got another wonderful item that I'll tell you about soon/)
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Last night was a wonderful...and also a HARD night. Each Tuesday night I go and hang out with my girlfriends at My Sister's House (Atlanta Union Mission) and I LOVE it!! They are so much fun and some of the most inspirational people I have ever met. They truly know what it is like to walk through the darkest valleys and trust in God. I am always challenged and ALWAYS blessed to be with my girls.
I was asked last September to come each week and help them with their GED prep. OK...I have NEVER done that before and had NO idea what in the world I was doing. But, that was the need and I had the degree to fill the need. So, I began going and week after week I fell. in. love. with every single one of these girls. They are some of my sweetest friends. They shake me out of my version of reality and make me look into the face of REALITY.
Week after week we grow closer. For the past few weeks the mission has cracked down on the women really participating in the GED program, so our group has grown and new faces are there each week...and I'm loving it:) To make it even friend Amanda whom I have been meeting with for YEARS also comes to help and tutor along with another friend of ours. We have grown really close to every single one of these ladies.
I like helping with GED...but I LOVE when I can lavish on these women! I can't do it all the time since I am there, not to lead a mini retreat every week, but to help them get their GED and gain some job skills. So, when a holiday comes around I can't WAIT to love on those ladies and just lavish some fun gifts, girlie items, yummy treats, and a few words of encouragement from God's Word. Last night...was that night!
The amazing friends at the GBC donated some really groovy bags for the women to carry all their GED items in each week. And DFM was able to buy each lady a red long stemmed rose. Don't you know that EVERY woman should get roses on Valentine's day? Well, in my mind they sure do:) Then, I borrowed/copied/stole a theme from my creative friend Rhonda. We talked about how popular the show "The Bachelor" has been and how there is one guy who "chooses" a lady by giving her a rose. So, she feels really special since she has gotten the red rose. She wants so desperately to be "chosen."
Unfortunately, being chosen on "The Bachelor" is a bit warped to say the least. But, there is a man, named Jesus Christ, who has chosen me...and those precious ladies at the mission. As I handed each of them a beautiful rose of crimson, we were ALL reminded how no matter what is going on in our lives or where we find ourselves we are chosen by the man who can NEVER let us down. The man who bore a cross and shed crimson blood to be in a personal relationship with us. What a MIGHTY good man!
It was a very special time for all of us as we reflected on the great love shown to each of us on the Cross. How Crimson stains set us free! How we are chosen by God for all eternity! Amazing!
Then, a sweet and very close friend of mine stuck her little face into the room. I tried to usher her in to join us and she said she couldn't come tonight. I took a rose and a groovy bad along with a few cookies out to her...this is one of my closest friends in my class. She has been in the class for most of the time I have been there (7 months).
As she and I talked (over tears) she shared that she was having to leave the mission (medical issues) and that ALL 6 of her children were going that VERY night into foster care. I'm crying as I write this. I was speechless. We were broken. It just got really personal.
These children are ones I see every week as they run into my room to see what "treats" we have, peering into my bag of chocolates I bring for the women each week ('cause every women needs chocolate to study with!!), and bring life into the study room. They are gone.
We hugged and prayed and KNEW there was VICTORY in Jesus Christ. She encouraged ME with her faith and strength and determination. I was amazed.
As you know we went through the foster care training (haven't gotten any calls yet) and at the time it was just a little overwhelming to me. Lots of rules, lots of issues, lots of information and red tape. It wasn't really personal.
But, last night it got personal. It had a face and a name and months of history. It had laughter and mischief and noise and now silence. It's really personal now. That's the gift of God.
In Isaiah 58, God's people were coming to Him every single day. They were checking the God thing off on their list, going to church, bringing Him their problems, asking Him for answers...but it wasn't personal. God's response to this was to give a large (and to many of us overwhelming)list of things that SHOULD be personal if we love Him.
About a year ago, those words in Isaiah 58 got really personal. The homeless wandered has a name, little children, a desire to get her GED, and real issues, hopes, and dreams. The orphan crises went from an overwhelming thought of 147 million orphans in the opening our home to one (or two) in God's perfect timing.
Satan sells us a bill of goods that says because you can't do it ALL you shouldn't do anything. We stand immobilized thinking about the crisis in Haiti, billions of people lost and dying, the AIDs crisis, 147 million orphans, the homeless, foster care, widows...our family, marriage, in-laws...
That we stand like a deer in the headlight not knowing what to do so we just stand there. But, the gift of God is that when you take a small step(and all my steps are so small they seem like they would get nowhere) towards obedience and have FAITH like a tiny little mustard seed He makes it personal...not a cause. Because taking on a cause is all about us and getting personal is all about a relationship. That's the difference in a ME task and a God vision.
Thank you God for making it personal. Thank you for blessing the little steps with BIG heart change in my life. Thank you for once again tearing my eyes and heart off self and letting me see people...not causes. Thank you for breaking my heart and letting me cry...with you. Forgive me for swimming in self. Thank for a little glimpse into the EXPANSE of your heart for this world. Help me not to stand immobilized in the enormity of this fallen world, but to hold your hand and take one step closer to your heart today. Thank you for your Word that is ALIVE!!!!!
(The ladies' faces are pixelated for privacy and safety...but trust me...they are BEAUTIFUL!)
Posted by Frances at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
John 1:24-29
Let's start our time right now by reading these verses and praying over them slowly.
John was questioned about his role in ministry by the religious leaders. They wanted to know why he was doing ministry...if he was not a prophet or Elijah or the Messiah. But, John was still not swayed! He not only let Scripture define who he was...but what his ministry was. Because he knew Christ and by that he knew what his own ministry should be.
Oh, that is such a good word for those of us in ministry!! John had a right view of Jesus...and that gave him a right view of his ministry. Our view of Christ will lead us to a right view of ministry and our role in kingdom work. I pray today that knowing Christ and the power of the Cross would define who we are and the ministry that we do. May it all flow out of the Truth of the Word.
Today think about how and why you minister. Is it because no one else will do it if you don't? Is it to make yourself more known? Is it to do your duty? Is it out of compulsion? the overflow of seeing and knowing and savoring Jesus Christ and the power of His sacrifice and Resurrection?
I pray that in my own life I never see ministry as something I do...but it is the overflow of knowing dearly who Jesus Christ is! He is the One, the Lamb of God who takes away my sins!!! That is where ministry begins and ends.
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
John 1:18-23
Take a moment to read over these your own Bible:) It's just powerful to open the Word and get into for yourself each day. That way before you ever read what I have give the Lord a chance to speak directly to you personally. That the BEST!!
Well, today is my birthday! A day that there is lots of on the past year...and the year to come. It's a time of reflection for me and the kind of woman I am and want to be. So, these verses are very important question for me...where do I find my identity?
How powerful that John knew and confessed who he was and who he was NOT! The thing that is so impacting to me is that he knew and confessed who he was from scripture. John found his identity in God's WORD...not what his followers said about him, not what the pharisees said about him, or even what He thought about himself. He was grounded strongly in who GOD said that he was!! I need to hear that today...and every single day of my life!!! Our identity is found in God's Word and in the cross.
May I not see myself through my own eyes or the eyes of others (good or bad), but may I seek the Word to define who Jesus is and in that light to understand who I am. I pray that the Word will show my my own sin, faults, and to love Jesus and my Jesus more. I pray that the Word of truth will fill me to overflowing and may my cup overflow!
Today, pray over where you are finding your identity. Is it from your husband? Your parents? Your children? Your job? Your ministry? Your church? Your house? Your title? it from the very Words of God? Oh, how I pray that you and I will find our identity in Christ and the cross alone.
Thrive 365...
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Mark 10:46-52
Take a few moments to look over Mark 10:46-52. Yesterday in our Life
group we talked about how we must be the kind of friends that
encourage others to "take heart! Get up...Jesus is calling you!!"
Many times we are simply either the friends who are wishing and hoping
others would just keep their problems to themselves and leave us
alone. After all...we have enough worries in our own lives. Or we find
ourselves just being the kind of friend that just wants to wallow in
the muck and the mire along with others. We are sympathetic...but
that's it. When we leave those hurting are just left with all their
hopeless feelings.
But, I want to be the kind of friend who says, "Take heart!! Get up;
Jesus is calling you!!!" I want to be able to connect with the heart
of hurt, but help others up and to throw off their cloak of hurt,
anger, frustration, bitterness, or sin that so easily wants to
entangle us. I want to encourage them to get to Jesus!! Because the
last thing they need is another Dr. Phil moment:)
Another personal thought I had in prayer today as I continued to
meditate on these verses is that I want to daily be casting off my own
cloak of the things that entangle me...and "spring up and come to
Jesus!" I pray that I myself will be quick to cast ALL my cares upon
Him because I know He cares for me.
Lord, I thank You for Your Word today! May it continue to discipline
and encourage me all through my day. Thank you for "calling" me as you
did to blind Bartimaeus! May I have a spring in my spirit today...and
come to you with everything.
Posted by Frances at 9:57 AM 0 comments