A Personal Welcome from Frances

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First I want to thank all of you who have sent emails, called, and prayed for me over the past several days. Today I had my appointment with a urologist. Three weeks ago I went to have a physical for our adoption process (in order to see what would be said about the skin cancer I had removed last year). I did not want to have any lab work done that day since all that was needed was the medical history.

Well, my doctor was not keen on that I had to come back the next day without food in my tummy to get a full physical. Now, I don't really like to go to the doctor...I hadn't been back since my skin caner over 18 months ago. And I would not have gone any time soon unless we had been trying to adopt - insert the hand of God here.

I went home from my visit...enjoyed my Christmas and then got a call from my doctor to go over my lab results (I immediately ran to the bathroom where I locked the doors and braced myself...the actual doctor NEVER calls just to tell you how fabulous your results were!). Well, there was blood (microscopic) in my urine. I had no symptoms...which I thought was a really good thing...wrong.

So, she says I have to come back in for more tests...but I don't do doctors. So, I got interested in moving apartments and decorating our new apartment...and didn't make my follow up appointment. WELL...last Wednesday night while I am eating my meal at DOCTOR calls me on my cell phone. Oops!

She tells me that she is VERY concerned and then drops the "c" word...yep, cancer. Sigh. Ok, I'll come in tomorrow morning on my way to the mountains for the weekend. Uggg!
So, I went back in to her office and they did another urinalysis. I was sooo hoping that all was well and that I could get on the road to the mountains right away. But, nope. There was still blood and before I knew it I was back in a room talking with my doctor. She was worried...because the type of cancer I had on my leg a year ago is also a rare kind of bladder cancer. Now, that I didn't know.

A referral was appointment was scheduled with a urologist today...and yes I was there! I had high hopes of him saying that I was way too young, I was in way to good of health, and that my doctor was way crazy for sending me there. But, alas it was not to be. He ran another which was a bit more painful than the others and found that the blood was coming from my bladder or kidneys into my urine.

So, we say down together today and he explained that he was ruling out any kind of infection (UTI, bladder, kidney, etc) and kidney stones. So, there is still that big elephant in the middle of the room...he hasn't been ruled out yet. The doctor didn't really give me any other ideas that I can hang onto this week. He just told me what we were ruling out and that he was sorry that the other tests he would be doing were more invasive.

It wasn't the visit I was envisioning today. I wanted a little more positives from him...because I am eternal optimist. Jay says it sets me up for needless disappointments:)
So, next Thursday (Jan. 22) I will be going back for a round of tests. Please pray that I will suit up in the armor of God each day to fight off worry and anxious thoughts. God has blessed Jay and I with incredible peace...but Satan knows how to fight dirty! He loves to pound us! He wants to devour us like a lion...yikes!

Here's what I DO know:
*God is Good and He can only do that which is GOOD!
*He's always working for GOOD for those of us who are crazy in love with Him and are called according to His purposes.
*He gives peace that passes all understanding.
*He covers us with His armor each day if we will take it!
*We are overcomers in Christ.
*He has overcome the world.
*He loves me.
*He loves you.
*I deserve hell...but was given salvation!
*This life is more than food...and this body more than clothes.
*My body is HIS temple...whatever He wants to do with it is His right...and my privilege.
Keep us in your prayers this week. Waiting isn't fun...but can be a fruitful time of prayer and patience.
