A Personal Welcome from Frances

Friday, September 5, 2008

1 Samuel 1:20-28

Good morning girls! Start your time with prayer. Concentrate today on your family in prayer. Take special time to take the needs of each member before the Lord. Share all your hopes, desires, concerns, and worries with God this morning.

Read 1 Samuel 1:20-28.

List a few things that really speak to you today in these verse.

What do these things say to will your life be different because of what you read today?

What is God saying to you about your own family?

There is so much in this passage! It would take us a week to look at all the wonderful things in these verses. But today, we are going to focus on how Hannah literally gave over her only son to God's service. She gave him to full time service at the temple with Eli.

Can you imagine that? Can you imagine leaving your only child...the one you had desired and prayed for so deeply? Can you even begin to think about how Hannah felt as she walked away from the temple leaving her little boy there...for good?

What an example to us! Even if you don't have children, we all can glean from this passage. God has to be the one who completely fills us...not our families, husbands, children, co-workers, or friends. We must be willing to leave those people in the Lord's hands and trust Him with their care. He loves them far greater than we could imagine. His love is perfect for them. His love satisfies them completely.

The greatest way we can truly love those around us, is to trust them to a perfect God. Hannah leaving long prayed for son at the temple, is an example of how we should leave those we love the most in the hands of God. We can trust Him to do the very best. Though, many times it doesn't LOOK best to us! Each day, I'm sure Hannah didn't FEEL like leaving her beloved son was best. But, she knew that he was where God wanted Him.

Are there people in your life that you are holding back from God in your heart?

Do you trust Him with those precious people?

Take time right now to release your lack of faith right now. Believe what God tells us in His Word...that He loves us all so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sin! What an example of love and pain. Thank Him for those relationships, but allow God to be your only source of satisfaction today!