Hi Girls! Please pray for me as I am headed to Alabama to lead a ladies retreat for Liberty Park Baptist Church. I will be sharing in sessions from Satisfy Our Souls on Friday night and Saturday. They are looking to begin the study in the Fall after the retreat so I am excited to share and get to know each of these ladies.
I will be posting reflections from my trip to Poland beginning on Monday. I have been busy preparing for this retreat and processing all that God did there and I am anxious to share with you. Thank you for hanging in there with me as i have been very busy the past few weeks with travel, beginning homeschooling, and preparing for two upcoming retreats. I want to thank each of you for praying for me while i travel and encourage women to thrive in this life instead of survive it!
I love you all!
Friday, September 26, 2008
This Weekends Event
Posted by Frances at 3:27 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
Weekend Reading!
Hey girls! Well, this weekend...you have more reading. Next week, starting on Monday, we will be in 1 Samuel 7...I know it's crazy! I can't just skip around like that, so I wanted you to get a jump start on your reading.
You have today, Saturday, and Sunday to read chapters 4-7. Take time each day to read a chapter. Journal your thoughts and answer these questions:
What sticks out to you in this passage?
What do you think God is saying to you personally today through these verses?
How will you be different because of what you read today?
How will you apply this to your life today and everyday?
Have a great weekend in the Word! You will be ready for Monday's devotion...I'll see you then!
I love you...
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
1 Samuel 3:19- 4:1
Quiet your heart before God today. Allow Him to clear your mind of the things to be done today...and focus on Him alone.
Read 1 Samuel 3:19- 4:1.
What are your thoughts on these verses?
How do they apply to your life today?
How will your life be different because of what God spoke to you today?
Samuel continued to grow in the Word of the Lord. His words affected those all over Israel!
Take special time today to think about how you are growing.
In your journal, reflect on what God is teaching you. Share how He is changing you and how you are growing in His Word. Reflect on how God is changing you.
Allow today to be a time of recounting God's goodness in your journey. Share also the areas you feel God is wanting you to grow more. Give Him those areas so that you may THRIVE in this life...in every thing!
I love you girls...
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
1 Samuel 3:15-18
Happy Wednesday to you! It's the middle of the week, and many times this is a day where we are feeling the pressures of the week. Take time to release the cares of today and allow this time to be calm. Allow God to give you a peace and ask Him to speak clearly to you through His Word today.
Read 1 Samuel 3:15-18.
What do you think God is saying to your own life today?
How will your life be different today because of what God has said to you today?
Sometimes it is hard to share with others about God isn't it? It's hard at times to share what He has said to our hearts because we are afraid that they won't understand. We are afraid of what they will think of us. We are worried that they will reject God and us if we share our hearts.
Samuel was afraid to tell Eli what had happened. I can relate to that! Can't you? Many times as God is changing us, growing us, and speaking to us we fear that others will not understand. We fear that they will think we are "Jesus freaks" or are religious fanatics. We are worried about how this will affect our relationship with those we love.
But, that is exactly what Satan wants us to fear. It is true that some people around us will not understand. Others may reject us. But, God will take care of our every need! Journeying with His is never an easy road, but it is the ONLY one that will truly satisfy our souls. Satan wants you to fear being alone and rejected...when the Truth is that you are loved and redeemed by the Almighty God of the universe!
When Samuel spoke up...Eli responded in confirmation! He tells Samuel that it was the Lord and that He would do what is good! How true this is.
So many times I miss the JOY of sharing with others because of fear! I'm wanting people to like me more than I want them to know the goodness of God. There are times when I am just thinking about messing it up, letting God down, turning them off forever, or just worried they will think I am a freak. I hate to admit that, but it's true!
Today, I am reminded that I need to walk in faith and courage! I am a child of God and He is the one who will do what He thinks is good. I must simply obey! I must share His love and Word with those around me as He leads. I must not believe the lie of fear anymore!
Take time to share your fears with sharing His love, salvation, and Word with others to God. Allow Him to speak personally to you right now. Ask Him for courage to live in FAITH today!
I love you girls...
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
1 Samuel 3:7-10
Start your time with prayer. Ask God to speak to you today through His Word. Open your heart and mind to His transforming power.
Read 1 Samuel 3:7-10.
Share what pricked your heart today through these verse.
What word(s) stick out in your reading?
What do you think God is saying to you personally through them?
Today we are going to follow the advice of Eli for our own lives. We are going to spend today listening to God. We have heard from Him through His Word, and now we want to hear from Him personally as we apply Truth to our lives today. Spend this time in a place where you can listen to God. Open up your life and allow Him to change, heal, and cleanse you in a fresh way.
Journal about your time and share it with us in the comment box!
I love you girls...
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
1 Samuel 3:1-6
Welcome to another week! What a wonderful day to begin with God's Word filling us to overflowing. Please begin today worshipping God for all the wonderful daily ways He speaks to us. Thank Him for His Word!
Read 1 Samuel 3:1-6.
What are a few things that touched your heart through this passage?
What verse(s) meant the most to you today?
What do you think God is saying in your life today?
How will your life change today because of this passage?
The Lord was talking to Samuel and he didn't even know it! Now, we all might be shaking our heads and laugh at the how dense Samuel seems to be. But, I know that I can relate to this situation in my own life!
I know there are so very many times when I know that the Lord is speaking to me...but I look to other people! For most of my life, God would use people around me like wonderful teachers, preachers, conference speakers, worship leaders, and friends to speak His Word to my heart. But, instead of running to God and sitting at His feet, I ran to MORE conferences, church services, worship experiences, and Bible Studies. I wanted to hear a person...instead of hearing from God myself.
Samuel thinks he is hearing from Eli, but actually He is hearing God's own voice. We hear His voice each time that we open up His Word. He speaks directly to our hearts and changes us daily if we meet Him there.
Have you ever wanted to put a person in God's place?
Have you wanted to hear what a person has to say instead of hearing from God's Word yourself?
Do you spend more time sharing with others what is going on in your life than with God?
Take time right now to talk to God about those things. It's not that Samuel was trying to run FROM God...he was just running TO the wrong person. We must spend every morning running TO God!
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hello From Poland!
Hello friends.....I am trying to post updates from Frances, but I am having a hard time getting them from the e-mails to her blog. Sorry for the crazy spacing! Please keep Frances and her team in your prayers!
> Hi everyone! I am writing to you today from Krakow, Poland. We got up at
> 3:30am this morning to catch a flight to Krakow, Poland and we arrived
> just in time to head over to a Polish church service! Needless to say, we
> all were extremely tired, but had a wonderful time worshiping with them.
> We had a great lunch and have now settled into an apartment that is using
> as an office also. We have the windows opened (they don't use air
> conditioning over here anywhere) and everyone it sleeping with the breeze
> blowing. I just took a short nap, and couldn't wait to send you an update!
> We have had a great time so far! I am only sad that I won't get a chance
> to meet back up with the entire team in Prague for debriefing...because I
> will be leaving early to meet my sweet family in Disney! I am VERY excited
> about that!!!
> I will catch you up...
> Thursday:
> I set out on my 10 hour flight to Frankfurt and had a great flight! It was
> so cool that God sat me next to an Indian man from Hyderabad...the only
> Indian city I have ever been to! And the neatest thing was that he totally
> witnessed to me! He was bubbling over and turned to me to see if I knew
> where I would go if the plane didn't make it to our destination (I was a
> little worried he knew something I didn't!).
> I got to Frankfurt perfectly and had a 5 hour layover until I met the rest
> of the Women of Hope team. We enjoyed a few short moments to chat...and
> then headed onto our final leg of the flight to Prague (Czech republic).
> Friday:
> We got to Prague (gorgeous from the air and on the ground!). It has the
> precious red roofs and lots of farms...but them all of the sudden Prague
> shows up! It a great city filled with old and new.
> We got through customs with everyone's luggage and then headed to the
> hotel. We went to dinner together at a nearby mall and got to know our
> field personnel! They are amazing and we love them!
> Saturday:
> We headed over to the city center and met for our Central & Eastern Europe
> overview. We learned about the strategy to share Christ with this very
> atheistic (though they claim to be Roman Catholic sometimes) city. We
> heard from all the regions personally from field personnel from the Baltic
> region, Russia, and our region which includes Poland. It is a vast land
> area to reach with the love of Jesus Christ!
> We then prayer walked parts of Prague! It was quite powerful to see the
> city and to see the vast apathy to spiritual things. We then took the
> evening to sight see and enjoyed a great Czech meal.
> And that brings up to today! We have gotten very little sleep due to the
> constant party that is going on in Prague at all hours of the night! It's
> like trying to sleep in New York City with your windows opened!
> Prayer Requests:
> Pray for good sleep tonight as we have a hectic week ahead and are already
> starting out very tired!
> We leave tomorrow on the train for Olzsten. We will be on the train for 7
> hours leaving around 9:55am. We will be meeting with more people sharing
> Christ!
> We have 2 women whose luggage has not arrived so please pray for them as
> they are only dressed in church clothes...pray that it comes quickly!
> We have a busy week...so please pray that we stay focused on God and what
> He is doing in this amazing region of the World. May He alone be our sole
> desire!
> I am so grateful for you all! We are now in a place where we can send
> emails (except for tomorrow and Tuesday while in Olzten). So, I'll try to
> email again soon to give you an update and new prayer requests. I love you
> all and thank you so very much for you support on this journey!
> Thriving in Poland!
> Frances
Posted by Frances at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Weekend Reading!
The way this new curriculum works, it doesn't work through the entire book of 1 Samuel chapter by chapter. But, I don't want you to miss out on any of the wonderful verses! So, on the weekends, I will give you some reading on your own to prepare for the coming week.
This reading will not be applicable to Sunday's lesson...it is in preparation for Monday and the week following. It will just be like getting ahead! Monday - Friday's devotions are to prepare you for discussion on Sunday...the weekend reading is just if you want to read through all the material!
Read 1 Samuel 2.
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Frances is in Prague
Hello dear friends. Frances has safely arrived in Prague at 5:30 (11:30 AM Eastern Time). All is going as planned....so far, so good. Please keep her team in your prayers. I will post any updates as I receive them.
Posted by Frances at 10:26 PM 0 comments
1 Samuel 1:20-28
Good morning girls! Start your time with prayer. Concentrate today on your family in prayer. Take special time to take the needs of each member before the Lord. Share all your hopes, desires, concerns, and worries with God this morning.
Read 1 Samuel 1:20-28.
List a few things that really speak to you today in these verse.
What do these things say to you...how will your life be different because of what you read today?
What is God saying to you about your own family?
There is so much in this passage! It would take us a week to look at all the wonderful things in these verses. But today, we are going to focus on how Hannah literally gave over her only son to God's service. She gave him to full time service at the temple with Eli.
Can you imagine that? Can you imagine leaving your only child...the one you had desired and prayed for so deeply? Can you even begin to think about how Hannah felt as she walked away from the temple leaving her little boy there...for good?
What an example to us! Even if you don't have children, we all can glean from this passage. God has to be the one who completely fills us...not our families, husbands, children, co-workers, or friends. We must be willing to leave those people in the Lord's hands and trust Him with their care. He loves them far greater than we could imagine. His love is perfect for them. His love satisfies them completely.
The greatest way we can truly love those around us, is to trust them to a perfect God. Hannah leaving long prayed for son at the temple, is an example of how we should leave those we love the most in the hands of God. We can trust Him to do the very best. Though, many times it doesn't LOOK best to us! Each day, I'm sure Hannah didn't FEEL like leaving her beloved son was best. But, she knew that he was where God wanted Him.
Are there people in your life that you are holding back from God in your heart?
Do you trust Him with those precious people?
Take time right now to release your lack of faith right now. Believe what God tells us in His Word...that He loves us all so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sin! What an example of love and pain. Thank Him for those relationships, but allow God to be your only source of satisfaction today!
Posted by Frances at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
1 Samuel 1:20-28
Good morning girls! Start your time with prayer. Concentrate today on your family in prayer. Take special time to take the needs of each member before the Lord. Share all your hopes, desires, concerns, and worries with God this morning.
Read 1 Samuel 1:20-28.
List a few things that really speak to you today in these verse.
What do these things say to you...how will your life be different because of what you read today?
What is God saying to you about your own family?
There is so much in this passage! It would take us a week to look at all the wonderful things in these verses. But today, we are going to focus on how Hannah literally gave over her only son to God's service. She gave him to full time service at the temple with Eli.
Can you imagine that? Can you imagine leaving your only child...the one you had desired and prayed for so deeply? Can you even begin to think about how Hannah felt as she walked away from the temple leaving her little boy there...for good?
What an example to us! Even if you don't have children, we all can glean from this passage. God has to be the one who completely fills us...not our families, husbands, children, co-workers, or friends. We must be willing to leave those people in the Lord's hands and trust Him with their care. He loves them far greater than we could imagine. His love is perfect for them. His love satisfies them completely.
The greatest way we can truly love those around us, is to trust them to a perfect God. Hannah leaving long prayed for son at the temple, is an example of how we should leave those we love the most in the hands of God. We can trust Him to do the very best. Though, many times it doesn't LOOK best to us! Each day, I'm sure Hannah didn't FEEL like leaving her beloved son was best. But, she knew that he was where God wanted Him.
Are there people in your life that you are holding back from God in your heart?
Do you trust Him with those precious people?
Take time right now to release your lack of faith right now. Believe what God tells us in His Word...that He loves us all so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sin! What an example of love and pain. Thank Him for those relationships, but allow God to be your only source of satisfaction today!
Posted by Frances at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Please Pray!
I am leaving for Prague and Poland tomorrow at 6pm! I am very excited to meet my team members and look forward to putting faces with voices I have shared conference calls with for the past 2 months.
I will be posting my prayer guide that will be sent to us today! This will guide you to pray for me and the team as we encourage women leaders in Central and Eastern Europe. Thank you for joining me on this journey!
I am now trying to operate 3 blogs! I forgot that I didn't post the devotions in 1 Samuel here this week! I am so very sorry! I will be posting them back to back so that you can read what I have posted on my Life group blog this week.
I will not have Internet access this coming week, so I can't answer emails. I will miss the contact with everyone, but look forward to hear what God is up to in your lives when I return!
So, enjoy several back posts from 1 Samuel today...take them day by day! Enjoy God this week!
Posted by Frances at 11:31 AM 1 comments
1 Samuel 1:1-2
Take a few moments today to quiet your heart in prayer. Find a quiet spot that you can steal away and focus on God and what He wants to say to you today. Open up to God as you would a loved one sitting with you over a steaming cup of hot tea. Rest in these moments knowing that God loves you and desires you.
Read 1 Samuel 1:1-2.
What sticks out to you in these verses?Look at the words..."And Hannah had none."
How do you think Hannah felt?
What are your thoughts on this situation?
Hannah didn't have children while her husbands other wife did. We know that in Biblical times barren women were ridiculed and seen as less important than those who could give their husbands children. But, even today as women it would be difficult to not have children if we desired that in our lives. Can you feel the weight of those words now..."and Hannah had none"?
You may have children today, but there is something in all of our lives that we desire. Perhaps we desire love from a parent that we have "had none" growing up. Maybe we desire a godly marriage that doesn't exist right now. We might desire a thriving spiritual life.What do you deeply desire that you do not feel that you have right now in your life?
We must take that opportunity in that desire and need to fellowship with God in prayer over that. We will see the passionate prayer that came from a desperate desire in Hannah's life. We will see that Hannah took that desire to God with a groaning so deep that others thought she was either insane or drunk.Take time today to those deep desires to God. He will answer you. He will change you. He will give you the desires of your heart...either through a "yes" or by filling your heart with Himself so that your desire is met.
Journal a few moments on your own personal thoughts. What is God saying to you right now? What desires do you need to share with Him? Allow Him to fill your cup today!Share your thoughts with us! We want to hear from you today. Encourage us with what God is saying to you!I love you all and will miss you terribly! Thank you for being in this class and for sharing your life with me. I am so glad God has brought us together for this journey in thriving everyday!
Posted by Frances at 11:30 AM 0 comments