"Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you." Matthew 25:24-25
As I was reading and studying this very familiar parable this morning, God was so gracious to point out something new to me! As I looked at the response of the last servant who only received one talent and went on to bury that talent of money instead of investing it, I saw that he was afraid. He shared that he saw a skewed picture of his master and he was afraid. So, he hid the money (a talent is about 20 years of wages for one man) in the ground until his master returned.
So many times in my life I have found myself afraid of doing something wrong, sharing the Gospel in the wrong way, and disappointing God. So, in those times I seem to just freeze. I don't do much of anything...for fear of doing anything wrong. But, that fear is wrong!
God has given us a gift more valuable than any wage for a job...no matter how large! He has given us eternal life through Jesus Christ. He has given us a gift that changes not only our live here daily, but our eternal destination! We can not be afraid, because the battle has already been won and Jesus Christ was victorious over sin.
When we have a correct view and faith in who Jesus Christ is and what He his worth is, then we will cease fear and run boldly to those around us to share what He has done. Today, as I looked at my own life, I see traces of fear. After experiencing such a powerful week of God's grace, leading, blessing, and glory I came home and was in fear! I was afraid of God leading places I was too scared to go. I'm not speaking of locations I fear...but of what God is giving me to do while I am here on this earth. Things I know I can't do and that is scary in my flesh. That is where I struggle...in feeling overwhelmed by God's goodness to me.
But, today I saw the horrible result of fear. It chokes out those precious blessings God gives. It angers God because it keeps me from living the life of faith that pleases Him. It affects the witness I have. It's sin.
Today, I am seeking to live a life of faith. I pray that I will be faithful in little! I pray that I will exchange fear for faith today! The Master is coming back and I want to be multiplying His kingdom in faith. May I share boldly today...
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