A Personal Welcome from Frances

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have been wanting to wait until everything was set and finished and for sure before I mentioned this on my blog. But, today my THREE boxes arrived from Compassion filled with all the resources and promotional things I will need...since I am now coming on board officially with Compassion International as one of their speaker advocates!!!

About 2-3 months ago, I was contacted by Shawna who is the Women's Speaker coordinator for Compassion International. She and I had the most amazing heart connection and we knew this was a perfect fit for our ministries. So...from there I began to learn, fill out paperwork, and most importantly pray! It has been a beautiful fit and one that God had already begun to place on my heart at the beginning of this year.

God was placing on my heart the desire to take ministry opportunities WITH me as I travel. I wanted to not only encourage women...but provide avenues for them to overflow into the lives of others. Since I had been with Compassion as a sponsor for over 6 years and sponsor 2 children with them, I am humbled and over the moon excited to take them WITH me!

I will offer Compassion packets alongside my Bible studies and we will work together to provide ways for ladies to not only seek satisfaction for their own souls...but provide that hope to a child! I can't believe God's goodness in this and His amazing way of connecting people.

I didn't even know this kind of thing existed with Compassion (except for singers and artists!) and I know that only God could have made this amazing connection! That thrills my heart and gives such JOY!

So, here's just a little glimpse into my boxes today...I'm like a kid at Christmas...

My groovy shirt that I will wear at events as I share! I love the verse specifically...

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
 Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." Provers 31:8-9

LOVE IT!! I'll be wearing this all the time for sure...

Can't WAIT to read this book!

My "how too" manual on working as an advocate.

You can tell they work with women speakers...there's amazing DARK chocolate:-)

There was even more...and I can't wait to dig through and look/read it all!!

Please continue to pray for this partnership! PLEASE let me know if you would like more information on sponsoring a child with Compassion. I would love to help you get started, offer you a child packet, share at your upcoming event, and encourage you to make the most awesome investment $38 will ever make.

Let's work together to help children in Jesus' Name...

Thrive sweet friends,

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Women's Ministry Exchange Event

Today, I joined over 100 women in seeking God's direction in loving and serving women. These ladies traveled for hours and hours...staying in hotels together last order to come and journey with us. I was able to be a part of the panel discussion and lead 2 breakout sessions. I loved hearing the challenges and the joys of leading women in this interesting season of women's ministry.

Change is in the air and women are ready to seek after God with all their hearts! They are passionate for women everywhere to seek God's mentoring with renewed vision! God is shaking loose the hem of these garments and asking us to return to Him. He wants us to stop looking to others...and look only to Him. Allow Him to meet our every need. Allow Him to satisfy our souls.

His call rings solid in this society of shifting sand...You Follow Me!

Will we look into the eyes of our Savior and say YES?

My prayer today was that each lady who joined the journey turning their sweet faces towards the risen Savior whose WORD is our portion for today...and follow HIM!

Let's thrive today!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Please Pray!

Many have asked about my upcoming 2010-2011 schedule to help pray. Thank you so very much for joining me in praying over these precious opportunities to serve and love ladies this year! What an amazing and joyful journey we are on together...

August 2010

August 28th
Women’s Leadership Exchange
Georgia Baptist Convention
Janet Spear

September 2010

Sept. 10-12th
The Best Part of Wakin' Up
Ladies Retreat
Camp Pinnacle, GA

Sept. 24-25th
Haiti Women's Mission Trip
tentative dates)

October 2010

Oct. 8-9th
Satisfy Our Souls
Ladies' Retreat
Camp Pinnacle, GA

Oct. 16th
Women's Banquet
East Brainerd Baptist
Mary Beth Smith

November 2010

Nov. 5th
Ladies' Mission Event
FBC Duluth
Duluth, GA

Nov. 6th
Holiday Banquet
Mountain Baptist Church
Stone Mountain, GA

Nov. 12-13th
Ladies' Retreat
Carter Retreat Center
Williamson, GA

December 2010

Desert Flower Ministries
Missions Event
Noonday Church
Kennesaw, GA

January 2011

Jan. 17-18th
Ladies' Retreat
Camilla, GA

Jan. 27 – 29th
Georgia Baptist Minister’s Wives Retreat
Toccoa, GA

February 2011

Feb. 17th
Ladies' Mission Banquet
Savannah Association
Savannah, GA

Feb. 18-19th
Ladies' Retreat
Butler FBC

March 2011

March 11-12th
Ladies' Retreat
Ranburn Gap, GA

March 17th
Ladies' Event
Carrolton, GA

April 2011

Apr. 1-3
Ladies' Retreat
Richmond, VA

Apr. 29-May 1
Ladies' Retreat
Voorhesville, NY

May 2011

May 7th
Ladies' Banquet
Ringgold, GA

October 2011

Oct. 19 & 20th
Ladies Night Out
North Metro

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

30 Days of Prayer!

Please join Christians all over the world as they pray for Musl*ms starting today during the 30 days of Ramad*n! My family signed up for these email prayer requests a few years ago that come to us every day and guide in praying for these precious people. We use it every morning in our family devotion time during these 30 days.

We want them to know the Good News of Jesus Christ while they are turning their hearts and minds towards spiritual things. Here is the link and it will give you lots of great information and a daily prayer guide.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I was on my way home from a wonderful visit with my family during the annual "Camp Sassy." Each year the girls and I head to Alabama to my parent's farm and we enjoy fun activities, surprises, lots of swimming, the best home grown veggies, amazing cooking from my parents...and wonderful memories. This year was no different and it had the added JOY of being able to horseback ride for two days straight!! I will share some videos and photos tomorrow...but there is something else I want to share now.

I had gotten everything packed up and loaded into the car (thank you Mrs. Judy for loaning us your car while ours is waiting to be fixed!!!!) and headed back home to see our Daddy. The girls were exhausted from all the fun and wanted to watch a movie and just rest for a while. As they got all settled, I decided to take this time to listen to one of my podcasts on my phone. I went to David Platt's "Abide" series on the life of a disciple. I wanted to share this with you...because I was truly challenged and infinately encouraged by this. There is a second message that goes with this one you can subscribe to in itues to get. I pray it blessed you as much as it did me. And...truthfully...I was so convicted in so many areas of my life in which I am still striving to live on my own strength.

I was on my way home from a wonderful visit with my family during the annual "Camp Sassy." Each year the girls and I head to Alabama to my parent's farm and we enjoy fun activities, surprises, lots of swimming, the best home grown veggies, amazing cooking from my parents...and wonderful memories. This year was no different and it had the added JOY of being able to horseback ride for two days straight!! I will share some videos and photos tomorrow...but there is something else I want to share now.

I had gotten everything packed up and loaded into the car (thank you Mrs. Judy for loaning us your car while ours is waiting to be fixed!!!!) and headed back home to see our Daddy. The girls were exhausted from all the fun and wanted to watch a movie and just rest for a while. As they got all settled, I decided to take this time to listen to one of my podcasts on my phone. I went to David Platt's "Abide" series on the life of a disciple. I wanted to share this with you...because I was truly challenged and infinately encouraged by this. There is a second message that goes with this one you can subscribe to in itues to get. I pray it blessed you as much as it did me. And...truthfully...I was so convicted in so many areas of my life in which I am still striving to live on my own strength.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I read this today on a blog I love...girltalk. I cringed at a couple of these thoughts realizing that I was G.U.I.L.T.Y of thinking some of these ways. Take a moment to read this and let's toss off that yoke of flesh and comparison and embrace the yoke of Jesus! It's easy and light...let's learn from HIM!

“Sometimes I don’t want to serve when it is something I don’t think I’m very good at” the young woman humbly confessed to me. The ugly truth behind her reluctance? Pride. This woman realized that she wants to be “the best” at whatever she puts her hand to, and if she can’t be the best, well, then she’d rather not even try.

Oh, how I can relate! I wrestle with the same temptation. But I’m grateful for my husband who has modeled humility in service for me. Whatever endeavor he undertakes, he acknowledges (to himself and others): “I know there are many people who can do this better than me.” Then he seeks to faithfully serve in whatever ways God has called him to, regardless of how gifted he feels to do it. His goal is to obey God and bless others.

Using our gifts requires humility. For as I’ve often reminded my girls (and myself!): “There’s always going to be someone better than you at what you do.” There’s always going to be the smarter kid in the class, the more outgoing friend, the more talented co-worker, the more organized homemaker, the more capable homeschool teacher, the more energetic servant, the more gifted than you at whatever you do. And you know what? These people have been strategically placed in our lives to expose our pride and help us serve with humility.

How much easier it would be to stick to arenas where we think we shine. But we should do our best even when we may not be the best. We should be willing to risk making mistakes, to allow others to see where we lack gifting and need help.

And when we humbly serve--even when we’re not the best--we’ll be pleasantly surprised at how God can use our meager gifts to encourage others and bring glory to Him!

“Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3