Early each morning, I can be found wrapped up in a cozy robe and blanket with a cup of steaming hot Yerba Matte hot tea on my couch savoring precious Words from my Father. After time of study and of prayer, I take time to read a section of Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon. Each day I am encouraged by such an anchor of the faith and one who daily challenges my ways of thinking about life. It is good reading, my friend!
So, today after I read the section for today...I went back to the preface where he introduces the morning and evenings. I wanted to share some of what he says about meeting with God in the mornings...
"Morning devotions have always been dear to the enlightened, heaven-loving souls, and it has been their practice never to see the face of dawn until they have first seen the face of God...The first fresh hour of every morning should be dedicated to the Lord, whose mercy gladdens it with golden light. Morning devotions anchor the soul, so that it will not very readily drift far from God during the day. The morning is the gate of the day and should be well-guarded with prayer. It is one end of the thread on which the day's actions are strung and should be well-knit with devotion.
He who rushes from his bed into his business and does not wait to worship is as foolish as if he had not put on his clothes or washed his face. He is as unwise as one who dashes into battle without being armed. Let us bathe in the softly flowing river of communion with God before the heat of the wilderness and the burden of the way begin to oppress us." - C.H. Spurgeon
These are portions of the preface to Morning and Evening devotions by Spurgeon. I have been in them since January 1st and have truly enjoyed his company in my morning time. I pray that you are finding time to meet with God during that very first hour of your day...before all else distracts you. I pray that you will take time today to savor the Words of your loving Father and allow it to overflow into all the areas of your life. May it truly satisfy your souls...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A word from my friend Charles...
Posted by Frances at 6:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Isaiah 58
This past weekend God allowed me to share Isaiah 58 with the ladies. The weekend was entitled "Embracing the Satisfied Life" and it started where Satisfy Our Souls leaves off. It walks through Isaiah 58 verse by verse.
This passage shares with us the indicators of a life fully satisfied in God and His Word. It compares and contrasts the kind of worship, fasting, and prayer that we bring to God and the kind of life God wants us to lead. This kind of life will overflow all over this world. It will feed the hungry (I mean the real hungry), it will clothe the naked, visit those in prison, break the bonds of injustice and oppression around this globe and in our own neighborhoods, and much more!
The much more will be found in the follow up study to Satisfy Our Souls..."Embracing the Satisfied Life." I know....I NEVER in a million years thought I would ever write another study. I was fully turned toward Foundation Bible Series doing the book of John. But, God has intervened...again:)
In a matter of 20 minutes early before daylight one morning, God poured 8 weeks of study into an outline (I thought I was preparing for a weekend...but no!) about the indicators of a life that is truly connecting with God. A life that is truly satisfied. I'm surprised, but the words are burning in my bones! I was so excited to be able to share just a small portion of the new study with the ladies this week and that was so valuable to me. They had no idea, but they were my test group!
Then, as if for further confirmation, I read this post on the Living Proof Ministries blog from Beth Moore's daughter Melissa as she in ministering with Compassion in India. I was just smiling because she expounds on the same passage. Do you think God is up to something in this generation or what?
So, check out this link and pray for me as I begin writing the next study...oh mercy I can't even believe those words are being typed...gotta get used to that! I'm pumped and can't wait to share it...thanks for letting me work through it this weekend ladies in Panama City!
Have a blessed day and try meditating on Isaiah 58 for a while and see what God has to say...watch out...He means what He says!
Posted by Frances at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
Posted by Frances at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pray for Panama City Retreat!
The past few weeks have been busy with retreats and preparation for retreats, so I wanted to take a quick moment to ask you for prayer on the upcoming retreat in Panama City, Florida. Our theme will be "Here comes the sun: Embracing the Satisfied Life."
We will be taking a look at what a satisfied soul's life looks like from biblical models of women in scripture. We will be looking at the lives of:
Mary: Living satisfied in your worship
Anna: Living satisfied in your marriage
Hannah: Living satisfied in your parenting
And a few more! I am excited about it and can't wait to see these ladies and also the beautiful beaches of Florida!
Posted by Frances at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Luke 4:38-39
"And he (Jesus) rose and left the synagogue and entered Simon's house. Now Simon's mother-in-law was ill with a high fever, and they appealed to him on her behalf. And he stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her, and immediately she rose and began to serve them."
Thank you Jesus for healing my life! Thank you for shedding your blood as payment for my sin. Thank you for rebuking the hold sin has on my life each day through your Word.
Please help me today to use my healed life to serve...and not to be served. Please help me to live each day as a servant the way that you did. May I not ever desire to live a life greater, easier, more comfortable, or less painful than yours. May I give up the desire and the expectation of being served on this earth...and embrace the joy of being a servant!
Thank you for the example of Simon's mother-in-law. Help me to follow in a life of service to You who has healed me and restored me and ransomed me! May I reject the flesh which desires to be pampered, right, respected, admired, and liked.
Help me not to be surprised (as Spurgeon says) when I embrace the role of a servant...that I am treated like one by the world! May I not strike back, be indignant, or frustrated. May I follow in your footsteps as a servant!
Posted by Frances at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ladies' Retreat in Pell City
On Sunday, I was blessed to be able to lead a mini retreat at a church in Pell City! It was amazing to see about 50 or more women who have been doing Satisfy Our Souls over the past 6 weeks!!! What a great group of women I was able to meet and minister alongside. It is always wonderful to hear the joy of ladies spending time in God's Word each day. There were so many who were OVERFLOWING from satisfied souls!
It was a wonderful time of fellowship and food and words from the Lord. I am so grateful that they invited me to meet their group of women and I know that I was truly the one blessed! Thanks to those who worked so hard to prepare food, desserts, and a beautiful venue for us to meet. I know the hard work that goes unseen! Thanks so those who prayed for those ladies and for me this weekend. Thanks to God for His presence there among us! And a special thanks to my mom, aunt, and cousin who came to support me...and bring flowers!
Ladies at Eden Westside...thank you for your precious gifts and your joy in the Lord. Thank you for allowing me to hear all God is doing in your lives as you journey in your deserts...THRIVING instead of surviving through the power of His Word!
Posted by Frances at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Prayer Items
I wanted to put an updated list of prayer items for upcoming events! Thanks for your constant prayer support.
April 5th: Ladies' Satisfy Our Souls retreat - Pell City, AL
April 13th: Foster/Adoptive Parent Orientation meeting - Canton, GA
April 23-26th: "Here comes the Sun: Embracing the satisfied life" ladies beach retreat - Panama City, FL
May 8th: Georgia Baptist Convention Ministers' Wives leadership meeting - Marietta, GA
May 12-14th: Kingdom Women: Impact Your Word leadership visioning retreat - Richmond, VA
May 16th: Tuberous Sclerosis 5K to raise money for Grant Parker - Marietta, GA
June 7-11th: Vacation Bible School (Missions leader) - Marietta, GA
June 13 - 16: Families on Mission - Jay camp pastor - Helen, GA
Thank you again for all of your support! Have a blessed week!
Posted by Frances at 7:35 AM 0 comments